Figures Of Speech

Figure of speech


Figure of speech definition

Figure of speech produces a stylistic effect to the language. 

The words are used out of their literal meaning or ordinary use to produce a stylistic effect.

It is an intentional deviation form literal statement or common usage both in spoken and written.

Figures of speech are used in poetry, prose and everyday speech.

Figure of speech is used in?

Figures of speech are mainly used in framing headlines, captions, mottoes to produce a stylistic and eye catching effect.


Figures Of Speech



Euphemism Meaning

Euphemism is a substituted expression used in the place of something that is unpleasant, offensive, harsh or embarrassing without mentioning it directly. It is to avoid saying that unpleasant word or phrase.

euphemistic – adjective

euphemistically – adverb

Euphemism is also used to intentionally make fun or offend someone.




Euphemism examples

My tablet went dead. (it has stopped working).

You are telling me a fairy tale. (means you are telling a lie).

I’ll be dead in the evening if I do not complete the project (means I’ll be punished or caught).

The seminar was dead easy. (It was very easy).

There was dead silence when I entered the theatre. (complete silence).

The burger was dead good. (very good).

She has fallen asleep. (She is dead).

I am in between jobs. (I am unemployed).

I have a vintage clock that was bought around 1920’s. (vintage = old).

He is resting in peace. (He is dead).

He is with the angels. (He is dead).

He passed away. (He is dead).

He is out of his misery. (He is dead).

He is no longer with us. (He is dead).

He is in a better place now. (He is dead).

He is with the angels. (He is dead).

He has gone to meet his maker. (He is dead).

He is economically disadvantaged. (He is poor).

He was sentenced lifetime in a correctional institution for a murder. (He is in prison).

Their bird was sick and cannot recover, so they put it to sleep. (They killed it).

The sanitation worker comes on all weekdays. (The garbage man).

My dad is a senior citizen. (He is old).

He looks under the weather. (He is ill or sick).

He is full figured. (He is overweight).

Their were droppings all over. (animal dung).

I am sorry for your loss. (someone is dead)

I am expecting. (I am pregnant).

The negative cash flow pushed him into depression. (He is in debt).

He is quite well-off. (He is rich).

Both my parents are aging. (getting old).

My friend is big-boned. (He is fat).

My friend is curvy. (She is fat).

You seem to be a well-fed man. (You are fat).

There are five late bloomers in my class. (below average students).

My aunt is outspoken. (She is bossy).

I am running a little behind as it is raining. (I am late).

I am unavailable today . (I will not be present).

My friend is petite. (He is short).

I am occupied at that time. (I am busy at that time).

I am embarking on a journey of discovery. (I am unemployed).


Euphemism meaning
The other ways to say someone is dead
Other ways to say that someone is dead
other ways to say you are blind and mentally retarded
Other ways to say I need to use the restroom and toilet

Idiom – part 5


Idiom definition

Sentences have a literal meaning, whereas, idioms have a figurative meaning.

A literal meaning means actual meaning of the sentence.

Figurative meaning is a combination of words which means something different than the individual words do.

dog, angry dog, aggressive-329280.jpg


It refers to someone who is extremely angry. The meaning is to become mad or foolish, mentally ill or insane.


 – The noise from the crackers made the dog go nuts. 

 – I went nuts as my wedding gown got soiled.


night owl idiom


A person who stays up at night is called a night owl. The literal meaning comes from the fact that owls sleep during the day and stay up at night and hunt for food. 


I became a night owl after I joined the call center.

He’s a night owl, he sleeps all day.

I am a night owl. I am trying to change my sleep pattern.



thumbs up, happy, positive-2649310.jpg


This idiom means you are allowing someone to do something. You are giving them permission to do something that they ask for.


go on.

go for it.

You can do that.


Of course you can.


Can I watch the T.V.? – Sure, be my guest

May I sit down? – Of course, be my guest.



IDIOM - Off colour - meaning


feeling ill or unwell.


 – She feels off color from morning.

 – I need some rest, I feel a bit off color.



Idiom – part 4


Idioms Definition

Sentences have a literal meaning, whereas, idioms have a figurative meaning.

A literal meaning means actual meaning of the sentence.

Figurative meaning is a combination of words which means something different than the individual words do.

count heads idiom


The another word for head count is roll call. This is nothing but counting the number of people present at a particular place or event.


 – The teacher asked the students to stand in a row to count heads before starting for the field trip.

meaning of lips are sealed


This idiom is used when someone promises to keep a secret. The person does not discuss or reveal anything to anyone. 


 – to keep ones mouth shut.

 – mouth closed.

 – to keep quiet.

 – to not say anything.

 – to not talk about something.

 – to not let out the secret.


 – My lips are sealed regarding the exam question paper.

 – My lips are sealed, so do not worry. Your secret is safe with me.

cat, tiger, tigerle-2439154.jpg

Cat nap meaning

Cat nap means having a short nap during the day. It is used to describe short periods of sleep during daytime that are similar to those like cats have. Cat naps last for about 20 to 30 minutes. 

It is good to have catnaps as it restores energy and helps to continue our work with more energy.


To have a cat nap, improves your productivity in your work.

“Let me have a cat nap, as I have an hour break.”