Grammar · Tenses

Past continuous tense

Past continuous tense

It refers to a continuing action that was happening at some point in the past.

The four forms of past tense are:

1. Simple past tense.

2. Past continuous tense.

3. Past perfect tense

4. Past perfect continuous tense.

What is simple past tense and past continuous formula with examples

Positive form and negative form

Always add “ING” to the verb(action word) for all continuous tense forms.

Question form

Always add “ING”  to the verb for all continuous tense forms.

past continuous formula with examples
simple past tense and past continuous formula with examples

When is past continuous tense used?

1. To denote an action going on at some point in the past.

E.g., We were eating in the afternoon.

I was teaching then.

She came when I was reading.

2. Used with always, and continually, etc, to denote persistent habits in the past.

E.g., She was always crying.
