Figures Of Speech



Metaphor is a figure of speech that explains an idea or thought by making a comparison. It describes an action or an object in a way that isn’t literally true. 

Figures of speech are used to grab readers attention. It brings the subject to life and makes complex ideas to be easily understood. One such figure of speech is metaphor.

Metaphor does not state that one thing is ‘like’ the another or acts as another, but proceeds as if the two things are one. 

Simile uses the term “like”/ “as” when comparing two things.


Simile: She is like an angel.

Metaphor: She is an angel as she helps me with the daily chores.

In the first sentence, we say, “She is like an angel”, where I am comparing her with an angel using the word “like”. This is called a simile.

In the second sentence, I am directly implying her to an angel by saying, “She is an angel”. We are not using the word “like”, / “as”. This is called a metaphor.  

A metaphor is an implied simile.

Metaphor highlight

All similes can be compressed into a metaphor and all metaphors can be expanded into similes.

Example 1:

Simile: Life is like a rollercoaster.

Metaphor: Life is a rollercoaster.

Example 2:

Simile: She is as stubborn as a mule.

Metaphor: She is a mule.


Before we go into the examples, a quick tip / recap to remember simile and metaphor.

If the sentence contains like or as, it is a simile. When you write your own simile, use the words like or as to compare with animals or objects. 

When you directly say or imply with an object or animal, it is a metaphor.

Let’s go into the examples for a deeper learning,

Metaphor examples

metaphor and simile differences
Metaphor example sentences

3. Metaphor: Your body is a machine.

Simile: Your body is like a machine

Metaphor example sentences

4. Metaphor: Your brain is a calculator.

Simile: Your brain is like a calculator.

Metaphor example sentences

5. Metaphor: Your brain is a computer.

Simile: Your brain is like a computer.

Metaphor example sentences

6. Metaphor: My town is a furnace.

Simile: My town is like a furnace.

Metaphor example sentences

7. Metaphor: She has a heart of stone.

Simile: Her heart is like a stone.

Metaphor example sentences

8. Metaphor: She has a heart of feather.

Simile: Her heart is like a feather.

Metaphor example sentences

9. Metaphor: He is a monster.

Simile: He is like a monster.

Metaphor example sentences

10. Metaphor: The eyes are the windows to the soul.

Simile: The eyes are like windows to the soul.

Metaphor example sentences

11. Metaphor: His hands were ice.

Simile: His hands were like ice.

Metaphor example sentences

12. Metaphor: My new shoe was a thorn.

Simile: My new shoes were like thorn.

Metaphor example sentences

13. Metaphor: My daughter is an angel as she helps me with the daily chores.

SimileMy daughter is like an angel.

Metaphor example sentences

14. Metaphor: We got in the car after an hour and it was a furnace.

Simile: We got in the car after an hour and it was like a furnace.

Metaphor example sentences

15. Metaphor: Her song was music to the ears.

SimileHer song was like music to the ears.

Metaphor example sentences

16. Metaphor: The world is a stage.

Simile: The world is like a stage.

Metaphor example sentences

17. Metaphor: The windows are the eyes of a house.

Simile: The windows are like the eyes of a house.

Metaphor example sentences

18. Metaphor: Her hands are generous.

Simile: She is as generous as the queen.

Metaphor example sentences

19. Metaphor: Her eyes are kind.

Simile: She is as kind as my mother.

Metaphor example sentences

20. Metaphor: Her eyes are covetous.

Simile: She is as jealous as my neighbor.

Metaphor example sentences

21. Metaphor: Prayers are the pathway to success. 

SimilePrayers are like the pathway to success. 

Metaphor example sentences

22. Metaphor: You are my sunshine.

Simile: You are like the sunshine to me.

Metaphor example sentences

23. Metaphor: You are my moon.

Simile: You are like the moonlight to me in my life.

Metaphor example sentences

24. Metaphor: She is a star.

Simile: She is like the star shining brightly.

Metaphor example sentences

25. Metaphor: Her room is a junkyard.

Simile: Her room is like the junkyard.

Metaphor example sentences

26. Metaphor: My friend is a snail.

Simile: My friend is like a snail.

Metaphor example sentences

27. Metaphor: She was a peacock after she won the award.

Simile: She was as proud as a peacock after she won the award.

Metaphor example sentences

28. Metaphor: He is a night owl.

Simile: He is like a night owl.

Metaphor example sentences

29. Metaphor: The whole school is a zoo.

Simile: The whole school was like a zoo.

Metaphor example sentences

30. Metaphor: Paul is a lion.

SimilePaul is like a lion.

Metaphor example sentences

31. Metaphor: She is a log right now.

Simile: She is sleeping like a log.

Metaphor example sentences

32. Metaphor: You have a heart of gold.

Simile: You have a heart like gold.

Metaphor example sentences

33. Metaphor: My father is an early bird.

SimileMy father is like an early bird.

Metaphor example sentences

34. Metaphor: Sara was the black sheep of the team.

SimileSara was like the black sheep of the team.

Metaphor example sentences

35. Metaphor: My sister is a couch potato.

SimileMy sister is like a couch potato.

Metaphor example sentences

36. Metaphor: My son is the apple of my eye.

SimileMy son is like the apple of my eye.

Metaphor example sentences

37. Metaphor: The soldier had the heart of a lion.

SimileThe soldier had a heart like a lion.

Metaphor example sentences

38. Metaphor: Paul was a cheetah when his mother came to hit him.

SimilePaul was like a cheetah when his mother came to hit him.

Metaphor example sentences

39. Metaphor: The snow was a white blanket.

SimileThe snow was like a white blanket.

Metaphor example sentences

40. Metaphor: Love is a rose with thorns.

SimileLove is like a rose with thorns.

Metaphor example sentences

41. Metaphor: His words were knife cutting through my heart.

SimileHis words were like knife cutting through my heart.

Metaphor example sentences

42. Metaphor: My class leader is a walking encyclopedia.

SimileMy class leader is like a walking encyclopedia.

Metaphor example sentences

43. Metaphor: The sun was a bar of glittering gold.

SimileThe sun was like a bar of glittering gold.

Metaphor example sentences

44. Metaphor: He is a sleeping tiger.

SimileHe is like a sleeping tiger.

Metaphor example sentences

45. Metaphor: She has got some nerve.

SimileShe is brave like a lion.

Metaphor example sentences

46. Metaphor: The clouds are balls of cotton.

SimileThe clouds are like balls of cotton.

Metaphor example sentences

47. Metaphor: Time is money.

SimileTime is like money.

Metaphor example sentences

48. Metaphor: My cousin is a cry baby.

SimileMy cousin is like a cry baby.

Metaphor example sentences

49. Metaphor: She is a pain in the neck.

SimileShe is like a pain in the neck.

Metaphor example sentences

50. Metaphor: My sister was a pig at lunch.

SimileMy sister was like a pig at lunch.

Metaphor example sentences

51. Metaphor: The fire roared to life.

SimileThe fire was like a huge furnace.

Metaphor example sentences

52. Metaphor: The girl was drowning in the sea of sorrows.

SimileThe girl was as sad as the clown.

Metaphor examples

53. Metaphor: The train screamed down the track.

SimileThe train was screaming like a new born baby.

Metaphor example sentences

54. Metaphor: She was a rock.

SimileShe was like a rock.

Metaphor example sentences

55. Metaphor: My dad is a teddy bear.

SimileMy dad is like a teddy bear.

Metaphor example sentences

Time for practice

Metaphor Worksheet

Have fun writing your own metaphors!

Figures Of Speech



Simile, a figure of speech, compares one thing with another thing of a different kind. 

Example: Sam is as strong as a horse.

I can just say that Sam is strong. 

But, I am comparing Sam to a horse and stressing the fact that he is very strong, thereby creating a more emphatic and vivid description of the person.

How to write a simile?

People often say that we should not compare ourselves with others. But, to write a simile, you should compare things, objects and all that is around you.

You have to use the words “is as …. as” or “is like ….” to write a simile.

In the above example, I am comparing a person with something that is STRONG. You can imagine anything that is strong. I have written as,

as strong as a horse.

You can also write as;

Sam is as strong as a lion.

Sam is as strong as an elephant.

Just be mindful of the articles placed before the animal you are comparing. 

For lion, It’s a lion.

For elephant, it’s an elephant.

Simile examples - 75 example sentences

1. My new dress is as soft as the velvet.

2. She fought the bad guys as brave as a lion.

3. You are as bright as the moon in this bridal look.

4. It’s end of the day and you still look as fresh as a flower.

5. She won the competition and was as proud as a peacock.

6. I slept like a log after the marathon.

7. My sister is always as cool as a cucumber.

8. His face turned as red as a rose after being punched.

9. I bought a dress as red as a rose.

10. The icing over the cake was as white as snow.

11. The pocket knife is as sharp as a razor.

12. The backyard is as clean as a whistle.

13. My competitor is as sharp as a needle.

14. My backpack is as heavy as lead.

15. After the school reopens, I’ll be as busy as a bee.

16. We left the window open and I was as cold as ice.

17. My new SUV is as big as an elephant.

18. He ran like a lightening in the marathon.

19. My skin is as smooth as butter.

20. My skin is like butter.

21. My mixer is as tough as an old boot.

22. My husband is as smart as a whip.

23. Siblings always fight like cats and dogs.

24. I won and was as happy as a clam.

25. My teeth sparkled like diamonds after the cleaning.

26. The lake was as clear as crystal.

27. After my weight reduction, I felt as light as a feather.

28. After my weight reduction, I felt like a feather.

29. Her talk is always as sweet as sugar.

30. My neighbor is as good as gold. 

31. The boy was as sharp as a needle.

32. Her saree was as black as night.

33. Grammar is as easy as pie. 

34. He got caught cheating and looked like a fish out of water.

35. The examination hall was as silent as a grave.

36. My niece is as gentle as a lamb.

37. After I achieved my sales target, I felt as free as a bird.

38. The cushion was as flat as a pancake.

39. After the twelve-hour shift, I slept like a baby.

40. The second-hand car moved like a snail. 

41. The old faucet leaked like a sieve.

42. My new teacher is as sweet as sugar/honey.

43. Our new roommate is as cunning as a fox.

44. The wooden cupboard is as old as the hills. 

45. She looked as shiny as a new pin.

46. The meeting continued for three hours and I was as hungry as a bear.

47. He ate like a pig.

48. My Grandpa is as fit as a fiddle.

49. The girl was as innocent as a lamb.

50. The customer was as mad as a Hatter.

51. The baby had eyes like glass.

52. The woman is as tough as a nail.

53. The alligator had teeth like razors.

54. I was out in the sun the whole time and was as blind as a bat when I entered my home. 

55. The burns hurt like hell.

56. I am as strong as an ox.

57. The baby had cheeks like roses.

58. The jet soared like an eagle. 

59. They were like two peas in a pod.

60. The Principal is as tough as the leather.

61. My grandma is as wise as an owl.

62. My sister is as tough as a nail.

63. The pasta is as hot as hell.

64. The baby is as cute as a kitten.

65. Her smile works like a charm.

66. The building is as solid as the iron. 

67. She looked as bright as the sun on her first day of school.

68. My oven cover fits like a glove. 

69. The thief was as bold as  brass. 

70. During the house shifting, I felt as helpless as a baby.

71. The stranger was as tall as the giraffe. 

72. My son is as stubborn as a mule.

73. Her skin is as smooth as silk.

74. The man was as thin as a rake.

75. A girl’s heart is as deep as an ocean. 

Figures Of Speech · Grammar



Antithesis meaning

Antithesis is direct opposite – 

– contrast of words / sentiments

– striking opposition

which is made in the same sentence.

It is employed to secure emphasis.

Antithesis meaning with examples

Two opposing ideas together is called ANTITHESIS, where they are contrary to each other.

THESIS – When an idea / concept is put forward.

ANTITHESIS – When the idea / concept is debated in a parallel structure. The opposite of thesis is antithesis.

SYNTHESIS – When the idea / concept is improved.

Antithesis meaning with examples

Antithesis purpose

Antithesis helps the readers to understand that there are more than one possible ways to express ideas. 

It helps the writers too to think deeply and express their thoughts in a more creative and impressive way.

In antithesis the two opposite words are not written together in the sentence, but in oxymoron the two opposite words come next to each other  in a sentence. Antithesis contains two opposite words, clauses, sentences or concepts to create a strong and powerful effect.

Examples of Antithesis

He is far from stupid. (He is not stupid but intelligent).

Be slow in choosing your friends, but slower in changing. 

This cake is nutritionally deficient, but soul-nourishing. 

Let me an inch, and I’ll go a mile.

Man proposes God disposes.

No pain, no gain.

No guts, no glory.

At times you are a yes, and then you are a no!

To err is human, to forgive is divine.

Speech is silver but silence is gold.

Hatred is the antithesis of selflessness.

Let’s agree to disagree.

After my parents died, it was sink or swim.

Love is the antithesis of selfishness.

Like mother, like daughter.

Like brother, like sister.

Like father, like son.

One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.

Junk food is heaven on the tongue but hell to the body.

Do or die.

Go big or go home.

Happy learning!

Figures Of Speech · Grammar

Transferred Epithet

Transferred Epithet

Transferred Epithet meaning

Transferred Epithet is a figure of speech where an epithet is transferred from its correct or proper word to another that is closely associated with it in the sentence. 

It is also called “HYPALLAGE”.

transferred epithet meaning


Usually, we use adjectives to describe nouns. 

Epithet is nothing but adjective or phrase that shows/describes the quality of a person or a thing. It is the characterization of  some person or thing. 

Transferred Epithet example.

Imagine you were at a party and you were having a nice time. But the most enjoyable time was when you all were given gifts. 

Here, it is you who had a great time at the party. But in the sentence below, I am mentioning the adjective “fun-filled” not for you but for the moment or time you were enjoying it. 

The most fun-filled moment was the distribution of gifts at the party.

I am TRANSFERRING it from you to the time or moment, i.e., I am transferring the adjective from one person or thing to another.

This is called transferred epithet.

Difference between Transferred Epithet and Personification.

Transferred epithet: Transfer of a modifier from one noun to another.

Example: She spent a sleepless night though she was very tired.

Personification: Giving the quality of a human being to an inanimate object. Its like assigning emotions or actions to objects.

Example: The sunflowers nodded in the sunshine.


How to form an Epithet?

Example 1:

Identify the subject.

Let’s assume it’s a girl.

In order to impress her we need to just add and adjective.

So the next time you see her, instead of just saying, “Hi there”.

Try saying, “Hi gorgeous / Hi beautiful”!

Example 2: 

Imagine you have an intelligent friend. You can say,

“Here comes Sam, the All-knower!”

Transferred Epithet examples

1. I gave him a knowing nod.

2. It was the most intelligent field trip.

3. It was the most boring picnic.

4. It was an easy test.

5. I had a dull pain.

6. I had a sharp pain.

7. She asked me a silly question.

8. She had a tiring day.

9. I had a busy afternoon.

10. For me it’s the best day.

11. We had a miraculous escape.

12. Yesterday was my lucky day.

13. We had a peaceful day.

14. Paul had a terrifying night.

15. Our teacher gives us intelligent answers.

16. Mary gave a confused look.

17. That was a clever prank.

18. They have a meaningful relationship.

19. Hi there, sleepy head.

20. They had a happy relationship.

21. I have a busy life.

22. That was a tiring path.

23. It was a tough move.

24. We had an enjoyable day.

25. It was a fun evening.

26. He cooked a tasteless dinner.

27. She follows a sugarless diet.

28. That was a jealous decision.

28. We had a happy lunch.

29. She has a successful carrier.

30. Sam has a problematic life.

31. They have a tough choice.

32. They made a faulty deal.

33. I had a restless day.

Have fun transferring!

Figures Of Speech · Grammar



Personification meaning

Personification is a figure of speech, where objects and notions are spoken of as having life and intelligence. 

It is like objects having qualities of human beings. As if they (objects) have personality and qualities.

Example: The breeze kissed her cheeks. 

Describing the breeze as “kissing her cheeks”, is an example of personification, as the breeze cannot kiss anyone. We are giving human attributes, such as “kissing”, to a non-living thing, like the “breeze”. This is called personification. 

Personification uses

As all the other figures of speech, personification too, helps readers to think creatively and in an imaginative way. Personification is giving human characteristics like emotions and behaviors to things, animals or ideas. 

It encourages the readers to imagine and to create a connection with the story or article being written. It hooks the readers to the story. As the writers attribute human characteristics, it helps the readers easily understand the idea or content the writer is trying to convey. Writers bring the sentence to life, thus helping the reader to connect with the sentence or story emotionally. 

Personification examples


Personified object

Human attribute applied

The candle flame was calm.



The fire burned down the house angrily.



The fire burned quietly in its fireplace.



The roses in my garden smiled at me.



The leaves were in the shade and begged for sunlight.



The moon watched me all night.



The lined-up houses looked at me.



My clock sings every hour.



The flowers peeped out of the window.



He grabbed the opportunity which knocked on his door.



The pizza came out happily out of the oven.



The doughnuts kept calling me to eat them.



Summer came smiling and winter went sad.

summer, winter

smile and sad

The table trembled due to the earthquake.



The trees danced crazily due to the storm.



The village welcomed him happily.



My village is always sleeping.



My village is always awake.



The ice cream agreed with him, even though he was lactose intolerant.

ice cream


The desert sun shines angrily.



My washing machine sings after it completes its job.

washing machine


The sunflowers shook their heads in the morning breeze.



All the stars winked at me.



My arms cried after the weight lifting session.



His foot screamed after two hours of running.



Dates are good for the blood.



My laptop died an hour before.



My calendar reminds me continuously.



My TV is working very hard since morning.



The mall is busy right now.



My car doesn't like me.



Pictures speak more.



The moon wished me good night



Her hands spoke to us.



My ears were happy when I heard the good news.



The windows went sad when it was closed.



The walls were sick of the old paint.



The moon waited all night for the Sun to rise.



The fries swam in the oil.



His pants shouted at him to wash it.



The batteries went dead.



The volcano went quiet after a week.



The wind whispered in her ears.



The garage was hiding a secret.



The tornado killed the entire village.



The yoga mat was tired.

yoga mat


The books begged him to read.



The door jumped in his way.



My couch is calling out to me.



The wind kept whistling all night.



The meat sat in the freezer for a week.



The sink suffocated as it had too many vessels.



My hair is happy after the wash.



My car engine is happy after the oil change.

car engine


My AC groans every time I switch it on.



Figures Of Speech · Grammar



Synecdoche meaning

Synecdoche (figure of speech) is a part used to designate the whole and the whole to designate a part.

What is synecdoche?

Synecdoche types

— MICROCOSM – A part used to designate the whole is called Microcosm.

Example: All hands on steer.

Here, “all hands” refers to the crew members or team members. i.e., a part or smaller unit is used to imply to represent the “whole team or crew.”

–MACROCOSM – The whole used to designate a part is called Macrocosm.

Example: India won the test match.

Here, India refers to the eleven players of the Indian team.

That is, a whole (India) is used to represent a smaller unit (players).

Try your own Synecdoche.

1. Look in the sentence for objects or ideas. 

Example: Check out my new car!

Here, the object is ‘CAR’.

2. Examine if its a part or a whole.

I am going to use wheels instead of car. That is, MICROCOSM – a smaller unit used to represent a whole.

Hey! Check out my new wheels!”

Sounds more stylish.

Synecdoche uses

Synecdoche can be used in speeches, everyday conversations, movies, songs, plays, dramas, poems etc. It provides us with catchy and interesting phrases. All figures of speech, including Synecdoche, enhance description and create imagery for the reader.

uses of synecdoche

Synecdoche example sentences



Get ready, I am bringing home the bacon.

Bacon refers to salary or paycheck.

Our ancestors wouldn't even have imagined that plastics would be the future to pay bills.

Plastics refers to debit and credit cards.

I am going to ask for her hand.

I am going to ask her to marry me.

The White house must be quick to take the decision.

The White house refers to individuals or members of the United States Government.

All boots on the ground.

Boots refers to soldiers.

The suits are making a visit today.

Suits refers to business people.

He paid too much for his new wheels.

New wheels refers to new car or any new vehicle.

With the power of social media, his news reached the whole ear of India.

Ear refers to the population of India.

Be kind forever and the pearly gate is yours.

Pearly gate refers to Heaven.

Keep stealing, and the thorny, fiery gate is yours.

Thorny, fiery gate refers to Hell.

He is behind bars for the sins he committed.

Behind bars refers to jail/prison.

Sara's got twinkle toes.

Twinkle toes refers that she's a dancer.

We are lucky, our grandfather got a green thumb.

Green thumb - He's good in gardening.

Those threads are awesome.

Threads refers to clothing.

We are eagerly waiting for you to tickle those ivories.

Tickle those ivories - to play the piano keys. [referring to an item by what it is made of, or components of it].

I am sure I know those voices.

Voices refers to the people.

"Keep the change", I said to the waiter.

Keep the balance money.

All hands on deck.

Telling everyone (team) to start their job.

Let me take a final headcount.

Let me count the number of people.

Always ask a gray beard for advice.

Gray beard refers to an old man.

I am going to grab a bite.

Bite refers to a meal.

Never ignore the words of a blue hair.

Blue hair refers to an old woman.

I need tin foil.

Aluminum foil.

You were rocking with those strings.

Strings refers to any string instruments like guitar etc.

Those blades in the museum were huge.

Blades refers to swords.

Steel can also be used to refer to swords.

I have hired hands to finish the job.

hands - Hired workers.

I miss my glass of bubbly.

Bubbly refers to a glass of champagne.

I would love to take you to the movies tonight.

Movies refers to a single move in a particular theatre.

I gifted her ceramic silverware.

silverware refers to cutlery.

Beware of the lead before taking the move.

lead refers to the bullet.

Figures Of Speech · Grammar


Litotes meaning

In Litotes, an affirmative is conveyed by the negation of the opposite, the effect being to suggest a strong expression by means of a weaker.

It is the opposite of hyperbole (exaggerate to make a point).

litotes definition

Litotes - Words that create negative effect to a sentence.

Before getting any further, let’s see the words that create a negative effect on a sentence or a statement. 

The words such as NOT, NON, NO, DON”T etc., when applied to a statement, create a not-so-good terminology. But these words can also be used to create a positive statement.

litotes meaning with examples

Types of Litotes

There are two types of litotes.



Denied negatives

[affirming a positive statement]

–It uses negative wordings to express a positive statement.


The affirmation is mitigated and downplayed. That is, you are not into it fully, but only accept to a certain point. 

Example 1: I don’t hate the movie. (Double negatives – don’t and hate)

Meaning: I like the movie, but only to a certain point, and not fully. It’s not that I like it 100%, or, hate it 100%, but indicates the level of likeliness which is reduced or mitigated. I like it but not fully like it. 

Example 2: The story is not unpleasant. (double negatives – not, unpleasant)

Meaning: The story is good

The meaning of unpleasant = not nice.

The meaning of not unpleasant = nice.

So, it’s a denied negative.

The use of double negatives creates a positive effect.  

Denied positives

[to affirm a negative statement]

It is used to create a negative effect. 

Example: He’s not a great player.

Meaning: He has difficulty learning the rules of the game.

In this sentence, we are trying to mention that the person is not a great player.

Imagine if someone is saying, “He’s an awesome player.” But you are not a fan of that player and you want to deny it, you should say, “He’s not a great player.”

This is a denied positive.

More examples




It's not my lucky coin.

It's just an ordinary coin and not that particular one he finds lucky.

It's not costly.

He needs an expensive one and this one is not to his expected level.

It's not cheap.

It's expensive.

This man is no fool.

This man is very clever.

This man is not clever.

This man is a fool.

He is not a little surprised.

He is greatly surprised.

He is not very much happy.

He is not satisfied.

The cake is not bad.

It is good.

She is not a little angry.

She is extremely angry.

I don't have a few failures.

I have faced many drawbacks.

I don't hate her.

I like her.

The result was not negative.

It was positive.

I am not unwilling to do it.

I am willing to do it.

After the speech, he was not unhappy.

He was happy.

He won't regret it for choosing that.

He will be happy.

He's not the toughest nail in the toolbox.

He is not strong.

Litotes advantages

It is always rude or impolite to say bad about someone. But, we will be in a situation to convey the message.

In that case, litotes comes to our rescue, especially if you don’t want to hurt others and say it in a polished way. 

Example: “He is not the brightest star in the band.” 

– can be said instead of saying directly, “He is not good at music.”


Litotes disadvantages

On the other hand, it is used by people to not appreciate whole heartedly or directly, and prefer to use a much lesser tone.

Example: Your results are awesome.

But the person says, “Your results are not bad.”

Just to maintain a safe distance between the situation and the person. 

Most of us would have come across this situation where we would have expected a real appreciation but it would have turned out to be, “is that it all”!!

Either the person is forced to say so, or it is who they are and do it purposefully.

Whatever maybe the reason, we should not be disheartened by these negative use of litotes by people. Let’s keep moving on and strive for the best!

And let’s make it a point to use litotes to speak good and not to hurt others.

Best wishes.

Advantages and disadvantages of litotes

Figures Of Speech



Metonymy definition


A thing, object or concept is replaced with a word closely associated with it. 

“Pen is mightier than the sword”.

Here, ‘pen’ refers to powerful (written) words.

‘Sword’ refers to aggression caused by soldiers etc.

Metonymy Uses

As always, figures of speech, here in the case of Metonymy, it gives life and color to words, phrases and sentences. It makes the readers think deeply and awakens their imagination. Metonymy adds flavor to writing as you add flavor in your cooking. When the flavor is added to a dish like adding coriander leaves at the end of the dish, the taste becomes exquisite. Similarly, all figures of speech adds flavor and deeper meaning, which increases the creativity level of both the readers and the writers. 

It increases the effectiveness of the original word. With, Metonymy writers express themselves creatively in a profound way, which in turn helps readers to think in a creative way too. 

Metonymy Examples





US film industry

It is difficult to get a job in Hollywood.


Hindi film industry

The actor made a debut in Bollywood.


Tamil film industry

The actor is the most popular in Kollywood.


Telugu cinema

He was desperate to join the Tollywood.



I need a hand to move this wooden table as it weighs a ton. (Hyperbole)


tea or coffee

My grandma offered me a cup.


seaside, regions of land near water bodies.

The heavy rainfall hit the coast.


administration, person in charge, leader, association, group of members, committee, etc.

The management's decision is the final one.

Let's speak to the management regarding the issue.


the written word

The pen is mightier than the sword.


aggressive force of soldiers

The pen is mightier than the sword.

the big house

prison, jail

He was sent to the big house for violating traffic rules.


intrusion, attention, interest

"Keep your nose out of it".


association with schools, colleges, university, classes, subject, marks, study, etc.

Make it a point to shine in your academics.



The music changed to a fast one, and he took me for a spin.



I am all ears. (I am listening to you).

No. 10 or any number.

refers to a person of that roll number or seat number etc.

I request No.10 to move to the next row.



The dish is terribly good.(OXYMORON)



The booze caused the accident.

hit the bottle

drink alcohol

To hit the bottle is to ruin one's own life.


news organization

The Press gathered before the President arrived.


King, Royal person

The villagers were loyal to the crown.

Wall Street

New York stock exchange

On Wall Street, the stocks closed well.



The kids were excited about their first ride.



Mind your tongue.

What is your mother tongue?

good heads

intelligent people

We got a good head in our team.

Silicon Valley

American technology

Silicon Valley companies are growing fast.



The class was quiet when I entered.

new blood

new person, fresh new ideas.

We have got new blood in our group.


water, juices

Drink fluids to prevent wrinkles.

good egg

helpful and kind.

She is a good egg.



To keep yourself motivated, speak with jocks.


blanket, bedsheet

Change the covers twice a week.


judicial people

The bench have made their decision.


business people

The suits support us with the deal.


high ranking officials

The brass is coming for inspection tomorrow.


Figures Of Speech



Oxymoron definition

Oxymoron = two contradictory (opposite) qualities are predicted at once of the same thing. It is a special form of antithesis. It is made up of two or more words opposite to each other. 

Ex: legal murder – where the first word is the opposite of the next one.

Oxymoron Uses

Using oxymoron in writing or speaking adds wit to it and a deeper meaning thus expressing a complex idea. It initiates a write to think deeply and to be creative in his descriptions. It is used to create a rhetorical effect. 

Oxymoron person

An oxymoron person is one who is stupid and smart at the same time. Other words for oxymoron are paradox(opposition of ideas or themes), contradiction, enigma, anomaly, mystery, puzzle, oddity.

The opposite of oxymoron is TAUTOLOGY where the words mean the same thing. 

Try your own oxymoron

Think of a term and then its opposite. Identify the meaning of each term separately and combine the meanings  to create one meaning.

Oxymoron Examples

Underline the oxymoron words in the sentences below and check your answers in the pictures given below.

1. My lunch box was loosely sealed and so all this mess. (It was not closed properly).

2. Your fish fry was terribly good. (It was awesome).

3. The story was a true myth. (It was not true).

4. I silently screamed when I accidently cut my finger, as I didn’t want my mother to know about it. (I suppressed a scream).

5. A small crowd gathered near the accident area. (A few people gathered).

6. Sam had the same difference in behavior last night. (He was not normal).

7. The scene was pretty ugly. (not nice).

8. Paul promised us to tell a real-life fairy tale. (An unbelievable story that happened in real life).

9. The original copy should be submitted. (The original certificates).

10. The student were arranged in a random order. (not in a particular order).

11. It was an open secret. (Everyone knew it).

12. His room was an organized mess. (It was not arranged properly).

13. She wears natural makeup. (natural products or she doesn’t wear any makeup and is beautiful naturally). 

14. I got the larger half of the pizza. (The bigger half).

15. She spoke in a loud whisper. (Everyone heard what she spoke).

16. We had jumbo shrimps for dinner.

17. I am imperfectly perfect. (Though I am imperfect or seem imperfect in certain things, I am perfect in the way I am).

18. I made a deliberate mistake by inviting him. (I should not have invited him).

19. The dull roar made their stomach churn. (The dull roaring sound made them feel scared).

20. The meeting with the executive seemed like an endless hour. (Boring or took very long).

21. The final draft will be ready by tonight.

22. The flight made a crash landing and everyone survived.

23. There is a definite possibility she will come.

24. The blogger was an advanced beginner. (The blogger was an expert in blogging but just now started a blog).

25. It was almost exactly 12 o’ clock when she reached home. (It was nearly 12 o’ clock).

26. We were starting to climb down the hill.

27. For some school life is bittersweet. (Both good and bad memories).

28. The apples were approximately equal to 12 kg. (not exactly).

29. The deafening silence was hard to tolerate. (very silent).

30. She missed the agreement paper accidently on purpose. (She did it on purpose).

31. The play was amazingly awful. (It was too good).

32. There was a controlled chaos in the family. (Though they fought it was under control).

33. Act natural when someone calls your name. (Don’t panic or get over excited). 

34. The meeting was a fine mess. (It did not go well).

35. They were altogether separate.

36. I got an autograph from an unpopular celebrity. (A celebrity though, but not so popular).

37. The statement showed zero deficit.

38. We are going to have some serious fun at the party. (real fun).

39. Her weirdly normal behavior made me scarier than before. (She is not used to be that normal).

40. “That’s old news”, exclaimed Sam.

41. The shopkeeper gave an accurate estimate for the sapphire ring.

42. The banker explained the calculated risk involved.

43. The dog was found missing after midnight.

44. A firm pillow may trigger a neck pain.

45. My full time hobby is blogging.

46. The value was growing smaller each day.

47. A minor miracle saved his life.

48. She used a hard cushion to support her legs.

49. Her old-fashioned dress robe made a statement.

50. She accepted it as the kind cruelty of the surgeon.


Figures Of Speech



Hyperbole Meaning

Hyperbole = exaggerated statements. (to increase beyond the normal or reality). Hyperbole is used to create a dramatic effect.

It provokes strong feelings and impressions. It is used to highlight points and add emphasis to feelings or an idea.

It is a kind of overstatement and magnification of statement to make it emphatic.

The person who exaggerates a lot is called dramatist, exaggerator, fabricator or hyperbolic.

Some examples of exaggeration are:

 – My pen is a thousand years old.

 – I have a pet dinosaur.

 Hyperboles are used to make stories or poetry interesting and to catch the reader’s attention.

Hyperbole evokes emotion, strong feelings and impressions.

It is used to over exaggerate, add emphasis or be humorous.


Want to try your hands on hyperbole?

Think of what you are going to exaggerate, its size, structure, shape, beauty, difficulty, etc. Now creatively exaggerate it by describing it so. Here are a few examples.

Hyperbole examples