Figures Of Speech · Grammar



Antithesis meaning

Antithesis is direct opposite – 

– contrast of words / sentiments

– striking opposition

which is made in the same sentence.

It is employed to secure emphasis.

Antithesis meaning with examples

Two opposing ideas together is called ANTITHESIS, where they are contrary to each other.

THESIS – When an idea / concept is put forward.

ANTITHESIS – When the idea / concept is debated in a parallel structure. The opposite of thesis is antithesis.

SYNTHESIS – When the idea / concept is improved.

Antithesis meaning with examples

Antithesis purpose

Antithesis helps the readers to understand that there are more than one possible ways to express ideas. 

It helps the writers too to think deeply and express their thoughts in a more creative and impressive way.

In antithesis the two opposite words are not written together in the sentence, but in oxymoron the two opposite words come next to each other  in a sentence. Antithesis contains two opposite words, clauses, sentences or concepts to create a strong and powerful effect.

Examples of Antithesis

He is far from stupid. (He is not stupid but intelligent).

Be slow in choosing your friends, but slower in changing. 

This cake is nutritionally deficient, but soul-nourishing. 

Let me an inch, and I’ll go a mile.

Man proposes God disposes.

No pain, no gain.

No guts, no glory.

At times you are a yes, and then you are a no!

To err is human, to forgive is divine.

Speech is silver but silence is gold.

Hatred is the antithesis of selflessness.

Let’s agree to disagree.

After my parents died, it was sink or swim.

Love is the antithesis of selfishness.

Like mother, like daughter.

Like brother, like sister.

Like father, like son.

One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.

Junk food is heaven on the tongue but hell to the body.

Do or die.

Go big or go home.

Happy learning!