Figures Of Speech



Simile, a figure of speech, compares one thing with another thing of a different kind. 

Example: Sam is as strong as a horse.

I can just say that Sam is strong. 

But, I am comparing Sam to a horse and stressing the fact that he is very strong, thereby creating a more emphatic and vivid description of the person.

How to write a simile?

People often say that we should not compare ourselves with others. But, to write a simile, you should compare things, objects and all that is around you.

You have to use the words “is as …. as” or “is like ….” to write a simile.

In the above example, I am comparing a person with something that is STRONG. You can imagine anything that is strong. I have written as,

as strong as a horse.

You can also write as;

Sam is as strong as a lion.

Sam is as strong as an elephant.

Just be mindful of the articles placed before the animal you are comparing. 

For lion, It’s a lion.

For elephant, it’s an elephant.

Simile examples - 75 example sentences

1. My new dress is as soft as the velvet.

2. She fought the bad guys as brave as a lion.

3. You are as bright as the moon in this bridal look.

4. It’s end of the day and you still look as fresh as a flower.

5. She won the competition and was as proud as a peacock.

6. I slept like a log after the marathon.

7. My sister is always as cool as a cucumber.

8. His face turned as red as a rose after being punched.

9. I bought a dress as red as a rose.

10. The icing over the cake was as white as snow.

11. The pocket knife is as sharp as a razor.

12. The backyard is as clean as a whistle.

13. My competitor is as sharp as a needle.

14. My backpack is as heavy as lead.

15. After the school reopens, I’ll be as busy as a bee.

16. We left the window open and I was as cold as ice.

17. My new SUV is as big as an elephant.

18. He ran like a lightening in the marathon.

19. My skin is as smooth as butter.

20. My skin is like butter.

21. My mixer is as tough as an old boot.

22. My husband is as smart as a whip.

23. Siblings always fight like cats and dogs.

24. I won and was as happy as a clam.

25. My teeth sparkled like diamonds after the cleaning.

26. The lake was as clear as crystal.

27. After my weight reduction, I felt as light as a feather.

28. After my weight reduction, I felt like a feather.

29. Her talk is always as sweet as sugar.

30. My neighbor is as good as gold. 

31. The boy was as sharp as a needle.

32. Her saree was as black as night.

33. Grammar is as easy as pie. 

34. He got caught cheating and looked like a fish out of water.

35. The examination hall was as silent as a grave.

36. My niece is as gentle as a lamb.

37. After I achieved my sales target, I felt as free as a bird.

38. The cushion was as flat as a pancake.

39. After the twelve-hour shift, I slept like a baby.

40. The second-hand car moved like a snail. 

41. The old faucet leaked like a sieve.

42. My new teacher is as sweet as sugar/honey.

43. Our new roommate is as cunning as a fox.

44. The wooden cupboard is as old as the hills. 

45. She looked as shiny as a new pin.

46. The meeting continued for three hours and I was as hungry as a bear.

47. He ate like a pig.

48. My Grandpa is as fit as a fiddle.

49. The girl was as innocent as a lamb.

50. The customer was as mad as a Hatter.

51. The baby had eyes like glass.

52. The woman is as tough as a nail.

53. The alligator had teeth like razors.

54. I was out in the sun the whole time and was as blind as a bat when I entered my home. 

55. The burns hurt like hell.

56. I am as strong as an ox.

57. The baby had cheeks like roses.

58. The jet soared like an eagle. 

59. They were like two peas in a pod.

60. The Principal is as tough as the leather.

61. My grandma is as wise as an owl.

62. My sister is as tough as a nail.

63. The pasta is as hot as hell.

64. The baby is as cute as a kitten.

65. Her smile works like a charm.

66. The building is as solid as the iron. 

67. She looked as bright as the sun on her first day of school.

68. My oven cover fits like a glove. 

69. The thief was as bold as  brass. 

70. During the house shifting, I felt as helpless as a baby.

71. The stranger was as tall as the giraffe. 

72. My son is as stubborn as a mule.

73. Her skin is as smooth as silk.

74. The man was as thin as a rake.

75. A girl’s heart is as deep as an ocean. 

Sentence Syntax · Writing skills

Direct and indirect object

Direct and indirect object

The sentence formula 8 and 9 involves direct object and indirect object. It explains how to frame a sentence with a direct object and an indirect object. So let’s first see what is direct and indirect object.

Direct Object

The subject acts upon a thing and is called the DIRECT OBJECT. It receives the action of the verb. It is the noun or pronoun receiving the action. 

It answers the question “what” or “whom“. If nothing answers what or whom, there is no direct object. Direct objects can be noun, pronoun, phrases or clauses. Let’s see the formula.

Subject + verb + direct object(who or what)

First find the subject and verb(action word) in the sentence. 

Then as the question ‘whom‘ or ‘what‘ the verb is acting upon. Direct objects are mostly nouns, but it can also be a pronoun, phrase or clause.

The words in orange are subjects, blue are verbs and in pink are direct objects.

1. I found the book.

2. Sam took the pen.

3. Who made the pot?

4. You eat by yourself.

5. We designed the jewels.

6. They took the bus.

7. Who spilled the milk?

8. You should pass the ball.

9. The children eat ice cream.

10. The truck hit the wall.

11. She opened the packet.

12. I ate the burger.

13. She stole the watch. 

14. I bought a clock and sold a watch.

       (This sentence has two direct objects. The direct object for the verb bought is clock and the direct object for the verb sold is watch. ‘I’ is the subject.).

15. I caught the ball. 

16. Indians eat rice.

17. I love coffee.

18. She loves climbing the mountains.

19. Sarah paints a scenery.

20. My sister gifted  a pen.

21. I wrote the script.

22. I liked the profile.

23. I dropped the camera.

24. She spilled the milk. 

25. I filled the bucket.

Indirect Object

Indirect objects receive the action of the direct object. They are used for intransitive verbs and at times preceded by prepositions. An indirect object answers the questions of “for whom”, “to whom”, or “for what”. 

Subject + verb + indirect object + direct object.

1. I gave Sam the box.

Subject – I

Verb – gave

Direct object – the box

Indirect object – Sam

The question that should be asked for this sentence is, To whom did I give the box?

Answer: to Sam. So, Sam is the indirect object.

More examples of indirect objects.


Direct Object

Indirect Object


I gave her his pen.




Sam ate his burger.




Sara gave him an invitation.




You must tell the details to the professor.

the details

the professor


Take his file. (No subject)




I sent Sam a receipt.




I have bought my husband a car.

a car



I paid Ralph the money.




I gave Paul the pillow.




I filled him his bucket.




The lecturer told us a story.





Sentence Syntax · Writing skills

Sentence Formula – Part 7

Sentence Formula Part 7

Simple verb structures

Hope you have gone through the first six formulas and it was useful. 

While learning a new language it might be quite easy to learn alphabets, words, etc. When it comes to framing sentences it is quite a task. 

But these formulas will be quite helpful for beginners and for those who are learning the language new. These are like Math formulas, where in case you struggle to speak or frame sentence you can recall the formula and build up a sentence. And, on the go, you will catch up fluency.

Sentence formula 7

make sentences

Let’s learn the formula 7. This is quite a simple formula where it is recommended for kindergarten or grade 1 students where they make a transition from words to simple sentences. 

The teacher can use this formula and aske the kids to frame sentences for all the objects, people, animal, birds, i.e., NOUNS around them. 

So the teacher should have taught nouns and verbs and then teach this formula to better understand the exercise.

Now coming to the formula:

Subject + verb

It’s quite simple right! Yes we can frame a sentence and speak or write with just a subject and a verb.

make sentences

Let’s see a few example sentences for the above formula.

Frame sentences wit a subject and a verb - part 7
Frame sentences wit a subject and a verb


Just think of a noun and and a related verb for the noun and frame a simple sentence. A few examples:

Always begin the sentence with a capital letter and end it in a full stop.

1. Tom is reading.

2. Predators kill.

3. The Sun is rising.

4. Peacocks dance.

5. I am praying.

6. The Moon glows.

7. The Moon is shining.

8. Dogs bark.

9. Lions roar.

10. Sam is sleeping.

11. We are studying.

12. They are playing.

13. Cats bite.

14. People are running.

15. The kid is going.

16. The baby is smiling.

17. Paul was dancing. 

18. Birds flew.

19. The egg is hatching.

20. The leopard ran.

The words in RED are subjects and the words in BLUE are the verbs.
