Sentence Syntax · Writing skills

Sentence Formula – Part 6

Make sentences with gerundial phrase.

want to speak fluent English? Train yourself more in framing sentences. This may not sound acceptable, but once you train yourself to frame flawless sentences, you can slowly achieve your fluency. 

For those who find it difficult, these formulas come in handy. You have to just remember the formulas and apply words in those places and speak. This is the 6th formula which we are going to see, and will be of great help to middle schoolers. 

After each grammar topic is taken, you should train more by framing sentences on that particular topic. As almost all grammar topics are interconnected, moving on to the next one without learning the first one, may lead to a confusion or improper understanding of the language. 

So, the teacher should ensure that this is done, i.e., enough practice is given through worksheets or activities and make the child understand the grammar concept and then move on to another.  

Formula 6:

It + be + (no use)etc + gerundial phrase.

We are going to start our sentence with an “It”, followed by ‘be verb’ and then a gerundial phrase.


It was fun talking to you.

Start your sentence with ‘It’, 

was – refers to the event that happened in the past tense. 

Adding “ing” to the verb makes it a gerund.

Here, its – talking

Gerundial phrase – talking to you.

Talking to you is a phrase. Since it has a gerund in it, it is a Gerundial phrase.

[[- A phrase is a group of words that has no subject or predicate.

– A phrase can either have a noun or a verb but not both. 

– A phrase cannot stand on its own.]]

Sentence Syntax · Writing skills

Sentence Formula – Part 5

Make sentence with an adjective and 'to' infinitive.

Alphabets form words, words form sentences, sentences are linked with linking words forming compound and complex sentences. Sentences form paragraphs and paragraphs form essays. 

As we have already discussed a lot of how important framing sentences in a child’s education while learning a language. If the child doesn’t learn it correctly in the primary and middle school level, he/she may find it extremely difficult in high school, college, interviews and in his/her job environment. He/ she may stammer a lot as the child did not master the basic skill of forming sentences. 

Let’s jump into formula No.5 without any delay.   

Sentence Formula 5:

It + be + adjective + 'to' infinitive.

This formula no. 5 is looking similar to Formula No.2. Let’s do a comparison.

Formula 2 is:

Subject verb Adjective ‘to’ infinitive.

In formula 2, we start the sentence with a subject like Sara, book, carpet, cat, dog, pen, table etc. 

Example: This book is difficult to solve.

Subject: This book.

Be verb: is – used when the subject is singular and the event happens in the present tense.

Adjective: difficult. (Adjectives are describing nouns).

‘to’ infinitive: to solve. (When ‘to’ is followed by a verb, it is called a ‘to’ infinitive.

In formula 5, we are starting the sentence with “It”, followed by the “be verbs” (am, is was were, are), then an adjective and conclude with a “to” infinitive.

Start the sentence with 

It is (for events that happens in present tense), 

It was (for events that happens in past tense), 

It will be (for events that happens in future tense) or 

It may be (to speak of something which you are not sure of).

Adjective to be used are:

easy, difficult, hard, bad, cruel, impossible, possible. 


Sentence Syntax · Writing skills

Sentence Formula – Part 4

Sentence formula -4

Make sentences

Make sentences with adjectives expressing emotion or desire.

A child excels in English or in any language he/she learns, once she masters the skill of framing sentences with the grammar topic or any new vocabulary word the child learns. But sometimes, a few students who are new to the language find it difficult to do so even after n times of practice. For them, they can try these formulas and just apply words and easily make sentences. They have to just remember the skeleton of the formula. 

Now we are going to have a look on Formula No. 4.

Sentence Formula 4:

Adjectives expressing emotion or desire.

Subject + verb + adjective + 'to' infinitive.

This formula looks familiar for those who have been going through all the formulas so far. 

Yes, it’s same as our formula no.2. The difference is that we were framing sentences with adjectives like, impossible, hard, easy, pleasant in formula no. 2. 

But, here we are going to practice with adjectives that express emotions or desire. The formula is the same. 

I want to differentiate it and show to have a clear idea, and so 2 different posts. 

What are the adjectives that express emotions or desire? 

Fear, scared, afraid, happy, sad, angry, patient, anxious, eager etc.

Example: He was desperate to go there. (DESIRE).

Subject: He

Be verb: was (Event happens in past tense, he refers to one person so singular)

desperate: adjective expressing desire.

‘to’ infinitive: to go (to followed by a verb is called ‘to’ infinitive).

conclude as – to go there/to go to the party etc. 


Sentence Syntax · Writing skills

Sentence Formula – Part 3

Make sentence

Make sentence with an adjective.

Imagine we are going to learn a new language, guess what’s the most difficult part? Yes, framing sentences. We can somehow learn the new alphabets and the new vocabulary words everyday. But when time comes to make sentences to write and speak we struggle. Why is that? It is so because, each language has its own grammar rules which has to be followed for proper understanding of the language.  

Formulas are not just for Math, let’s also use it. It’s quite useful for beginners, primary and middle school students, for someone who is learning English for the first time and even for those who have just come to check whether these formulas are correct or not. Be it anyone, let’s give it a try, for if even any ‘one’ of you benefits, I’ll be the most happiest one. 

Sentence Formula 3

It + be + adjective + of + noun/pronoun + 'to' infinitive.

In our formula 3, we start the sentence with “It”, followed by the “be verbs” – (am, is, was, were are), then add an adjective + “of”, followed by a noun/pronoun and conclude with a “to” infinitive.

1. For this formula, we will be using only 2 be verbs, “IS, WAS. This is because, after “It”, only these two be verbs can appear. 

2. Then, add an adjective according to your sentence of what you are trying to explain. After the adjective add an “of”, followed by a noun/pronoun.

3. The noun refers to the name of person, place, animal or thing. 

4. Pronoun is used in the place of noun, i.e., him, her, you, me, them.

5. Finally finish your sentence with a “to” infinitive. It refers to that after the word to a verb is added. Like, “to eat”, “to dig”, “to sleep”, “to wake”. This is called a to infinitive


“It is nice of you to share your food”.

1. Here, we start the sentence with “It”.

2. We use the be verb, “is”.

3. Our adjective is, “nice”. Adjectives are describing noun. In our sentence, instead of a noun we have used a pronoun, “you”.

4. After the adjective add the word “of”.

5. Add a noun or pronoun. Our pronoun here is “you”.

6.Add the “to infinitive“. Here, it is “to share”.

7. Complete it as “to share your food”.

Some more examples with the same adjective (NICE):

*  It is nice of you to bring a cake.

*  It is nice of you to take care of me.

*  It is nice of you to help me.

*  It is nice of you to wash the clothes/vessels.

*  It is nice of you to follow the procedure/rules.

*  It was nice of you to give me medicines.

*  It was nice of Sam to come to the party.

*  It was nice of Paul to show his project.

*  It was nice of them to play at the tournament.

*  It is nice of them to share their views.

The following adjectives can be used in this pattern:

brave, wrong, polite, nice, cruel, cowardly, wicked, silly, careless, foolish, unwise, stupid, clever, wise, good, kind, considerate, generous.

 Hope these example are useful.


Sentence Syntax · Writing skills

Sentence Formula – Part 2

Sentence syntax 2

Make sentences with impossible, hard, easy, difficult.

At school level, a child is trained to write small paragraphs or short stories or given a comprehension passage to improve his/her reading and writing practice. As they move to higher classes their level of writing goes to next stage where the sentence turn into complex and compound sentences. More activities are also done to improve speaking and writing like role plays, dramas, public speaking, sharing experiences etc. All these are done just to get a deeper knowledge about the rules of how to use the language in the correct way without any glitch while one talks or writes.

To achieve the desired results, the basic learning starts in primary where the child learns to frame sentences. So, the teacher should ensure that the child frames proper sentences after each grammar topic is taken. More worksheet and exercises should be given for practice. Without achieving this, if the child goes to the next grade, the child may find it difficult to cope up with the current syllabus as he/she is not thorough with the previous one. 

For those kids who find it difficult with framing sentences, these formulas may help, as they have a pattern and the child should just apply words in the place of the formula taught. Let’s move on quickly to formula No. 2.

How to use the words - impossible, hard, easy, difficult in a sentence?

This formula is suitable for students from grade 3 onwards as they would be introduced to “ADJECTIVES”. 

We are going to see how to frame sentences using adjectives “impossible, hard, easy, difficult, pleasant.

The formula is

Subject + verb + adjectives mentioned above + to infinitive.

Start your sentence with a Subject, followed by the adjectives given above (impossible, hard, easy, difficult, pleasant) and conclude with a “to infinitive”.

To infinitive:

-to is placed before the base form of the verb to form the -to infinitive.

to eat

to sleep.

For example,

The sweet is pleasant to eat. 

The sweet unpleasant to eat.

The subject here is ‘sweet’. The is the article. We are using ‘the’ as we are speaking about a specific sweet. Sweet is the subject, pleasant is the adjective and conclude the sentence with a “to infinitive”. Here it is “to eat”.


Figures Of Speech



Metonymy definition


A thing, object or concept is replaced with a word closely associated with it. 

“Pen is mightier than the sword”.

Here, ‘pen’ refers to powerful (written) words.

‘Sword’ refers to aggression caused by soldiers etc.

Metonymy Uses

As always, figures of speech, here in the case of Metonymy, it gives life and color to words, phrases and sentences. It makes the readers think deeply and awakens their imagination. Metonymy adds flavor to writing as you add flavor in your cooking. When the flavor is added to a dish like adding coriander leaves at the end of the dish, the taste becomes exquisite. Similarly, all figures of speech adds flavor and deeper meaning, which increases the creativity level of both the readers and the writers. 

It increases the effectiveness of the original word. With, Metonymy writers express themselves creatively in a profound way, which in turn helps readers to think in a creative way too. 

Metonymy Examples





US film industry

It is difficult to get a job in Hollywood.


Hindi film industry

The actor made a debut in Bollywood.


Tamil film industry

The actor is the most popular in Kollywood.


Telugu cinema

He was desperate to join the Tollywood.



I need a hand to move this wooden table as it weighs a ton. (Hyperbole)


tea or coffee

My grandma offered me a cup.


seaside, regions of land near water bodies.

The heavy rainfall hit the coast.


administration, person in charge, leader, association, group of members, committee, etc.

The management's decision is the final one.

Let's speak to the management regarding the issue.


the written word

The pen is mightier than the sword.


aggressive force of soldiers

The pen is mightier than the sword.

the big house

prison, jail

He was sent to the big house for violating traffic rules.


intrusion, attention, interest

"Keep your nose out of it".


association with schools, colleges, university, classes, subject, marks, study, etc.

Make it a point to shine in your academics.



The music changed to a fast one, and he took me for a spin.



I am all ears. (I am listening to you).

No. 10 or any number.

refers to a person of that roll number or seat number etc.

I request No.10 to move to the next row.



The dish is terribly good.(OXYMORON)



The booze caused the accident.

hit the bottle

drink alcohol

To hit the bottle is to ruin one's own life.


news organization

The Press gathered before the President arrived.


King, Royal person

The villagers were loyal to the crown.

Wall Street

New York stock exchange

On Wall Street, the stocks closed well.



The kids were excited about their first ride.



Mind your tongue.

What is your mother tongue?

good heads

intelligent people

We got a good head in our team.

Silicon Valley

American technology

Silicon Valley companies are growing fast.



The class was quiet when I entered.

new blood

new person, fresh new ideas.

We have got new blood in our group.


water, juices

Drink fluids to prevent wrinkles.

good egg

helpful and kind.

She is a good egg.



To keep yourself motivated, speak with jocks.


blanket, bedsheet

Change the covers twice a week.


judicial people

The bench have made their decision.


business people

The suits support us with the deal.


high ranking officials

The brass is coming for inspection tomorrow.


Figures Of Speech



Oxymoron definition

Oxymoron = two contradictory (opposite) qualities are predicted at once of the same thing. It is a special form of antithesis. It is made up of two or more words opposite to each other. 

Ex: legal murder – where the first word is the opposite of the next one.

Oxymoron Uses

Using oxymoron in writing or speaking adds wit to it and a deeper meaning thus expressing a complex idea. It initiates a write to think deeply and to be creative in his descriptions. It is used to create a rhetorical effect. 

Oxymoron person

An oxymoron person is one who is stupid and smart at the same time. Other words for oxymoron are paradox(opposition of ideas or themes), contradiction, enigma, anomaly, mystery, puzzle, oddity.

The opposite of oxymoron is TAUTOLOGY where the words mean the same thing. 

Try your own oxymoron

Think of a term and then its opposite. Identify the meaning of each term separately and combine the meanings  to create one meaning.

Oxymoron Examples

Underline the oxymoron words in the sentences below and check your answers in the pictures given below.

1. My lunch box was loosely sealed and so all this mess. (It was not closed properly).

2. Your fish fry was terribly good. (It was awesome).

3. The story was a true myth. (It was not true).

4. I silently screamed when I accidently cut my finger, as I didn’t want my mother to know about it. (I suppressed a scream).

5. A small crowd gathered near the accident area. (A few people gathered).

6. Sam had the same difference in behavior last night. (He was not normal).

7. The scene was pretty ugly. (not nice).

8. Paul promised us to tell a real-life fairy tale. (An unbelievable story that happened in real life).

9. The original copy should be submitted. (The original certificates).

10. The student were arranged in a random order. (not in a particular order).

11. It was an open secret. (Everyone knew it).

12. His room was an organized mess. (It was not arranged properly).

13. She wears natural makeup. (natural products or she doesn’t wear any makeup and is beautiful naturally). 

14. I got the larger half of the pizza. (The bigger half).

15. She spoke in a loud whisper. (Everyone heard what she spoke).

16. We had jumbo shrimps for dinner.

17. I am imperfectly perfect. (Though I am imperfect or seem imperfect in certain things, I am perfect in the way I am).

18. I made a deliberate mistake by inviting him. (I should not have invited him).

19. The dull roar made their stomach churn. (The dull roaring sound made them feel scared).

20. The meeting with the executive seemed like an endless hour. (Boring or took very long).

21. The final draft will be ready by tonight.

22. The flight made a crash landing and everyone survived.

23. There is a definite possibility she will come.

24. The blogger was an advanced beginner. (The blogger was an expert in blogging but just now started a blog).

25. It was almost exactly 12 o’ clock when she reached home. (It was nearly 12 o’ clock).

26. We were starting to climb down the hill.

27. For some school life is bittersweet. (Both good and bad memories).

28. The apples were approximately equal to 12 kg. (not exactly).

29. The deafening silence was hard to tolerate. (very silent).

30. She missed the agreement paper accidently on purpose. (She did it on purpose).

31. The play was amazingly awful. (It was too good).

32. There was a controlled chaos in the family. (Though they fought it was under control).

33. Act natural when someone calls your name. (Don’t panic or get over excited). 

34. The meeting was a fine mess. (It did not go well).

35. They were altogether separate.

36. I got an autograph from an unpopular celebrity. (A celebrity though, but not so popular).

37. The statement showed zero deficit.

38. We are going to have some serious fun at the party. (real fun).

39. Her weirdly normal behavior made me scarier than before. (She is not used to be that normal).

40. “That’s old news”, exclaimed Sam.

41. The shopkeeper gave an accurate estimate for the sapphire ring.

42. The banker explained the calculated risk involved.

43. The dog was found missing after midnight.

44. A firm pillow may trigger a neck pain.

45. My full time hobby is blogging.

46. The value was growing smaller each day.

47. A minor miracle saved his life.

48. She used a hard cushion to support her legs.

49. Her old-fashioned dress robe made a statement.

50. She accepted it as the kind cruelty of the surgeon.


Sentence Syntax · Writing skills

Sentence Formula – Part 1

Sentence part 1:

How to start the sentence with 'there'?

All living organisms communicate with each other in their own ways including birds, animals etc. Humans communicate through languages. We are having various languages according to the region we live in. 

There are a set of rules to be followed to speak or write a particular language. In order to speak or write that language we have to master that language and practice it a lot to master it. 

For that purpose schools and colleges have been created to impart and expand our learning abilities for us to be successful in future. Only if we know a particular language we can further keep on learning and  understand what is being taught in colleges and universities. So at school level itself we should master the language. This helps us a lot in facing seminars, projects, assignments, group discussions, even simple examinations etc. 

There should be a proper correlation between what we think and what we speak or present.  Or else it would be total disaster. To avoid these let’s learn from basic. 

This sentence formula one is useful for primary students and beginners to help frame sentences at ease. Hope its helpful for teachers. I have attaches a pdf worksheet too, as practice makes a man perfect.

Our sentence formula 1 is:

There + be verb + Subject.

First let’s see what ‘be’ verbs are: 

am, is was, were, are.






Used when the subject is "I", i.e., when I talk about myself.

Used when the subject is singular and when the event happens in the present tense.

Used when the subject is singular and when the event happens in the past tense.

Used when the subject is plural and when the event happens in the past tense.

Used when the subject is plural and when the event happens in the present tense.

There + be verb + Subject.

This formula is beginners and primary students who are introduced to be verbs. It helps them frame sentences with be verbs. The teacher can use this formula for students who find it difficult to frame sentences or for all students indeed to form proper sentences.  

Like, how we learn formulas in Math and tables which we remember for a lifetime (which is because of repetition), we can adopt this in our English too for those who find it difficult to learn the language. Even if they forget while speaking they can just recall the formula and frame accordingly. 

In this formula, we start our sentence with “There”, followed by the be verbs and then a subject.

As given in the table above, the be verbs are applied according to the subject whether its singular or plural and whether the event happens in the past, present or future tense. 

So always remember while speaking or writing look for the SUBJECT and the TENSE and write accordingly.

For example, 

In the first sentence in the picture, 

“There is a bottle near my table”.

Bottle – singular. 

Event – present tense.

So, we use “is”.

Similarly examine for the other 4 sentences in the picture above. 

Start your sentence with ‘there’, use be verbs according to your sentence(depending on whether the event happens in past or present tense and whether the subject is singular or plural). Refer the table above.


Worksheet with answers

Sentence Syntax · Writing skills

Sentence syntax

How to structure a sentence?

Forming proper sentences and incorporating them in both reading and writing is a crucial part, not only in English, but in any new language you learn. One minor mistake may change the entire meaning of the sentence and we may end up in an embarrassing situation. 

These sentence formulas are quite simple to remember for beginners, starting from primary students who have started their journey from words to sentences, or for people who are trying to learn English from scratch as a new language.

Hope you find this useful and helpful.

Sentence Syntax

Figures Of Speech



Hyperbole Meaning

Hyperbole = exaggerated statements. (to increase beyond the normal or reality). Hyperbole is used to create a dramatic effect.

It provokes strong feelings and impressions. It is used to highlight points and add emphasis to feelings or an idea.

It is a kind of overstatement and magnification of statement to make it emphatic.

The person who exaggerates a lot is called dramatist, exaggerator, fabricator or hyperbolic.

Some examples of exaggeration are:

 – My pen is a thousand years old.

 – I have a pet dinosaur.

 Hyperboles are used to make stories or poetry interesting and to catch the reader’s attention.

Hyperbole evokes emotion, strong feelings and impressions.

It is used to over exaggerate, add emphasis or be humorous.


Want to try your hands on hyperbole?

Think of what you are going to exaggerate, its size, structure, shape, beauty, difficulty, etc. Now creatively exaggerate it by describing it so. Here are a few examples.

Hyperbole examples