Sentence Syntax · Writing skills

Sentence Formula – Part 7

Sentence Formula Part 7

Simple verb structures

Hope you have gone through the first six formulas and it was useful. 

While learning a new language it might be quite easy to learn alphabets, words, etc. When it comes to framing sentences it is quite a task. 

But these formulas will be quite helpful for beginners and for those who are learning the language new. These are like Math formulas, where in case you struggle to speak or frame sentence you can recall the formula and build up a sentence. And, on the go, you will catch up fluency.

Sentence formula 7

make sentences

Let’s learn the formula 7. This is quite a simple formula where it is recommended for kindergarten or grade 1 students where they make a transition from words to simple sentences. 

The teacher can use this formula and aske the kids to frame sentences for all the objects, people, animal, birds, i.e., NOUNS around them. 

So the teacher should have taught nouns and verbs and then teach this formula to better understand the exercise.

Now coming to the formula:

Subject + verb

It’s quite simple right! Yes we can frame a sentence and speak or write with just a subject and a verb.

make sentences

Let’s see a few example sentences for the above formula.

Frame sentences wit a subject and a verb - part 7
Frame sentences wit a subject and a verb


Just think of a noun and and a related verb for the noun and frame a simple sentence. A few examples:

Always begin the sentence with a capital letter and end it in a full stop.

1. Tom is reading.

2. Predators kill.

3. The Sun is rising.

4. Peacocks dance.

5. I am praying.

6. The Moon glows.

7. The Moon is shining.

8. Dogs bark.

9. Lions roar.

10. Sam is sleeping.

11. We are studying.

12. They are playing.

13. Cats bite.

14. People are running.

15. The kid is going.

16. The baby is smiling.

17. Paul was dancing. 

18. Birds flew.

19. The egg is hatching.

20. The leopard ran.

The words in RED are subjects and the words in BLUE are the verbs.
