Sentence Syntax · Writing skills

Sentence Formula – Part 1

Sentence part 1:

How to start the sentence with 'there'?

All living organisms communicate with each other in their own ways including birds, animals etc. Humans communicate through languages. We are having various languages according to the region we live in. 

There are a set of rules to be followed to speak or write a particular language. In order to speak or write that language we have to master that language and practice it a lot to master it. 

For that purpose schools and colleges have been created to impart and expand our learning abilities for us to be successful in future. Only if we know a particular language we can further keep on learning and  understand what is being taught in colleges and universities. So at school level itself we should master the language. This helps us a lot in facing seminars, projects, assignments, group discussions, even simple examinations etc. 

There should be a proper correlation between what we think and what we speak or present.  Or else it would be total disaster. To avoid these let’s learn from basic. 

This sentence formula one is useful for primary students and beginners to help frame sentences at ease. Hope its helpful for teachers. I have attaches a pdf worksheet too, as practice makes a man perfect.

Our sentence formula 1 is:

There + be verb + Subject.

First let’s see what ‘be’ verbs are: 

am, is was, were, are.






Used when the subject is "I", i.e., when I talk about myself.

Used when the subject is singular and when the event happens in the present tense.

Used when the subject is singular and when the event happens in the past tense.

Used when the subject is plural and when the event happens in the past tense.

Used when the subject is plural and when the event happens in the present tense.

There + be verb + Subject.

This formula is beginners and primary students who are introduced to be verbs. It helps them frame sentences with be verbs. The teacher can use this formula for students who find it difficult to frame sentences or for all students indeed to form proper sentences.  

Like, how we learn formulas in Math and tables which we remember for a lifetime (which is because of repetition), we can adopt this in our English too for those who find it difficult to learn the language. Even if they forget while speaking they can just recall the formula and frame accordingly. 

In this formula, we start our sentence with “There”, followed by the be verbs and then a subject.

As given in the table above, the be verbs are applied according to the subject whether its singular or plural and whether the event happens in the past, present or future tense. 

So always remember while speaking or writing look for the SUBJECT and the TENSE and write accordingly.

For example, 

In the first sentence in the picture, 

“There is a bottle near my table”.

Bottle – singular. 

Event – present tense.

So, we use “is”.

Similarly examine for the other 4 sentences in the picture above. 

Start your sentence with ‘there’, use be verbs according to your sentence(depending on whether the event happens in past or present tense and whether the subject is singular or plural). Refer the table above.


Worksheet with answers