Figures Of Speech · Grammar



Antithesis meaning

Antithesis is direct opposite – 

– contrast of words / sentiments

– striking opposition

which is made in the same sentence.

It is employed to secure emphasis.

Antithesis meaning with examples

Two opposing ideas together is called ANTITHESIS, where they are contrary to each other.

THESIS – When an idea / concept is put forward.

ANTITHESIS – When the idea / concept is debated in a parallel structure. The opposite of thesis is antithesis.

SYNTHESIS – When the idea / concept is improved.

Antithesis meaning with examples

Antithesis purpose

Antithesis helps the readers to understand that there are more than one possible ways to express ideas. 

It helps the writers too to think deeply and express their thoughts in a more creative and impressive way.

In antithesis the two opposite words are not written together in the sentence, but in oxymoron the two opposite words come next to each other  in a sentence. Antithesis contains two opposite words, clauses, sentences or concepts to create a strong and powerful effect.

Examples of Antithesis

He is far from stupid. (He is not stupid but intelligent).

Be slow in choosing your friends, but slower in changing. 

This cake is nutritionally deficient, but soul-nourishing. 

Let me an inch, and I’ll go a mile.

Man proposes God disposes.

No pain, no gain.

No guts, no glory.

At times you are a yes, and then you are a no!

To err is human, to forgive is divine.

Speech is silver but silence is gold.

Hatred is the antithesis of selflessness.

Let’s agree to disagree.

After my parents died, it was sink or swim.

Love is the antithesis of selfishness.

Like mother, like daughter.

Like brother, like sister.

Like father, like son.

One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.

Junk food is heaven on the tongue but hell to the body.

Do or die.

Go big or go home.

Happy learning!

Figures Of Speech · Grammar


Litotes meaning

In Litotes, an affirmative is conveyed by the negation of the opposite, the effect being to suggest a strong expression by means of a weaker.

It is the opposite of hyperbole (exaggerate to make a point).

litotes definition

Litotes - Words that create negative effect to a sentence.

Before getting any further, let’s see the words that create a negative effect on a sentence or a statement. 

The words such as NOT, NON, NO, DON”T etc., when applied to a statement, create a not-so-good terminology. But these words can also be used to create a positive statement.

litotes meaning with examples

Types of Litotes

There are two types of litotes.



Denied negatives

[affirming a positive statement]

–It uses negative wordings to express a positive statement.


The affirmation is mitigated and downplayed. That is, you are not into it fully, but only accept to a certain point. 

Example 1: I don’t hate the movie. (Double negatives – don’t and hate)

Meaning: I like the movie, but only to a certain point, and not fully. It’s not that I like it 100%, or, hate it 100%, but indicates the level of likeliness which is reduced or mitigated. I like it but not fully like it. 

Example 2: The story is not unpleasant. (double negatives – not, unpleasant)

Meaning: The story is good

The meaning of unpleasant = not nice.

The meaning of not unpleasant = nice.

So, it’s a denied negative.

The use of double negatives creates a positive effect.  

Denied positives

[to affirm a negative statement]

It is used to create a negative effect. 

Example: He’s not a great player.

Meaning: He has difficulty learning the rules of the game.

In this sentence, we are trying to mention that the person is not a great player.

Imagine if someone is saying, “He’s an awesome player.” But you are not a fan of that player and you want to deny it, you should say, “He’s not a great player.”

This is a denied positive.

More examples




It's not my lucky coin.

It's just an ordinary coin and not that particular one he finds lucky.

It's not costly.

He needs an expensive one and this one is not to his expected level.

It's not cheap.

It's expensive.

This man is no fool.

This man is very clever.

This man is not clever.

This man is a fool.

He is not a little surprised.

He is greatly surprised.

He is not very much happy.

He is not satisfied.

The cake is not bad.

It is good.

She is not a little angry.

She is extremely angry.

I don't have a few failures.

I have faced many drawbacks.

I don't hate her.

I like her.

The result was not negative.

It was positive.

I am not unwilling to do it.

I am willing to do it.

After the speech, he was not unhappy.

He was happy.

He won't regret it for choosing that.

He will be happy.

He's not the toughest nail in the toolbox.

He is not strong.

Litotes advantages

It is always rude or impolite to say bad about someone. But, we will be in a situation to convey the message.

In that case, litotes comes to our rescue, especially if you don’t want to hurt others and say it in a polished way. 

Example: “He is not the brightest star in the band.” 

– can be said instead of saying directly, “He is not good at music.”


Litotes disadvantages

On the other hand, it is used by people to not appreciate whole heartedly or directly, and prefer to use a much lesser tone.

Example: Your results are awesome.

But the person says, “Your results are not bad.”

Just to maintain a safe distance between the situation and the person. 

Most of us would have come across this situation where we would have expected a real appreciation but it would have turned out to be, “is that it all”!!

Either the person is forced to say so, or it is who they are and do it purposefully.

Whatever maybe the reason, we should not be disheartened by these negative use of litotes by people. Let’s keep moving on and strive for the best!

And let’s make it a point to use litotes to speak good and not to hurt others.

Best wishes.

Advantages and disadvantages of litotes

Figures Of Speech



Metonymy definition


A thing, object or concept is replaced with a word closely associated with it. 

“Pen is mightier than the sword”.

Here, ‘pen’ refers to powerful (written) words.

‘Sword’ refers to aggression caused by soldiers etc.

Metonymy Uses

As always, figures of speech, here in the case of Metonymy, it gives life and color to words, phrases and sentences. It makes the readers think deeply and awakens their imagination. Metonymy adds flavor to writing as you add flavor in your cooking. When the flavor is added to a dish like adding coriander leaves at the end of the dish, the taste becomes exquisite. Similarly, all figures of speech adds flavor and deeper meaning, which increases the creativity level of both the readers and the writers. 

It increases the effectiveness of the original word. With, Metonymy writers express themselves creatively in a profound way, which in turn helps readers to think in a creative way too. 

Metonymy Examples





US film industry

It is difficult to get a job in Hollywood.


Hindi film industry

The actor made a debut in Bollywood.


Tamil film industry

The actor is the most popular in Kollywood.


Telugu cinema

He was desperate to join the Tollywood.



I need a hand to move this wooden table as it weighs a ton. (Hyperbole)


tea or coffee

My grandma offered me a cup.


seaside, regions of land near water bodies.

The heavy rainfall hit the coast.


administration, person in charge, leader, association, group of members, committee, etc.

The management's decision is the final one.

Let's speak to the management regarding the issue.


the written word

The pen is mightier than the sword.


aggressive force of soldiers

The pen is mightier than the sword.

the big house

prison, jail

He was sent to the big house for violating traffic rules.


intrusion, attention, interest

"Keep your nose out of it".


association with schools, colleges, university, classes, subject, marks, study, etc.

Make it a point to shine in your academics.



The music changed to a fast one, and he took me for a spin.



I am all ears. (I am listening to you).

No. 10 or any number.

refers to a person of that roll number or seat number etc.

I request No.10 to move to the next row.



The dish is terribly good.(OXYMORON)



The booze caused the accident.

hit the bottle

drink alcohol

To hit the bottle is to ruin one's own life.


news organization

The Press gathered before the President arrived.


King, Royal person

The villagers were loyal to the crown.

Wall Street

New York stock exchange

On Wall Street, the stocks closed well.



The kids were excited about their first ride.



Mind your tongue.

What is your mother tongue?

good heads

intelligent people

We got a good head in our team.

Silicon Valley

American technology

Silicon Valley companies are growing fast.



The class was quiet when I entered.

new blood

new person, fresh new ideas.

We have got new blood in our group.


water, juices

Drink fluids to prevent wrinkles.

good egg

helpful and kind.

She is a good egg.



To keep yourself motivated, speak with jocks.


blanket, bedsheet

Change the covers twice a week.


judicial people

The bench have made their decision.


business people

The suits support us with the deal.


high ranking officials

The brass is coming for inspection tomorrow.


Figures Of Speech



Oxymoron definition

Oxymoron = two contradictory (opposite) qualities are predicted at once of the same thing. It is a special form of antithesis. It is made up of two or more words opposite to each other. 

Ex: legal murder – where the first word is the opposite of the next one.

Oxymoron Uses

Using oxymoron in writing or speaking adds wit to it and a deeper meaning thus expressing a complex idea. It initiates a write to think deeply and to be creative in his descriptions. It is used to create a rhetorical effect. 

Oxymoron person

An oxymoron person is one who is stupid and smart at the same time. Other words for oxymoron are paradox(opposition of ideas or themes), contradiction, enigma, anomaly, mystery, puzzle, oddity.

The opposite of oxymoron is TAUTOLOGY where the words mean the same thing. 

Try your own oxymoron

Think of a term and then its opposite. Identify the meaning of each term separately and combine the meanings  to create one meaning.

Oxymoron Examples

Underline the oxymoron words in the sentences below and check your answers in the pictures given below.

1. My lunch box was loosely sealed and so all this mess. (It was not closed properly).

2. Your fish fry was terribly good. (It was awesome).

3. The story was a true myth. (It was not true).

4. I silently screamed when I accidently cut my finger, as I didn’t want my mother to know about it. (I suppressed a scream).

5. A small crowd gathered near the accident area. (A few people gathered).

6. Sam had the same difference in behavior last night. (He was not normal).

7. The scene was pretty ugly. (not nice).

8. Paul promised us to tell a real-life fairy tale. (An unbelievable story that happened in real life).

9. The original copy should be submitted. (The original certificates).

10. The student were arranged in a random order. (not in a particular order).

11. It was an open secret. (Everyone knew it).

12. His room was an organized mess. (It was not arranged properly).

13. She wears natural makeup. (natural products or she doesn’t wear any makeup and is beautiful naturally). 

14. I got the larger half of the pizza. (The bigger half).

15. She spoke in a loud whisper. (Everyone heard what she spoke).

16. We had jumbo shrimps for dinner.

17. I am imperfectly perfect. (Though I am imperfect or seem imperfect in certain things, I am perfect in the way I am).

18. I made a deliberate mistake by inviting him. (I should not have invited him).

19. The dull roar made their stomach churn. (The dull roaring sound made them feel scared).

20. The meeting with the executive seemed like an endless hour. (Boring or took very long).

21. The final draft will be ready by tonight.

22. The flight made a crash landing and everyone survived.

23. There is a definite possibility she will come.

24. The blogger was an advanced beginner. (The blogger was an expert in blogging but just now started a blog).

25. It was almost exactly 12 o’ clock when she reached home. (It was nearly 12 o’ clock).

26. We were starting to climb down the hill.

27. For some school life is bittersweet. (Both good and bad memories).

28. The apples were approximately equal to 12 kg. (not exactly).

29. The deafening silence was hard to tolerate. (very silent).

30. She missed the agreement paper accidently on purpose. (She did it on purpose).

31. The play was amazingly awful. (It was too good).

32. There was a controlled chaos in the family. (Though they fought it was under control).

33. Act natural when someone calls your name. (Don’t panic or get over excited). 

34. The meeting was a fine mess. (It did not go well).

35. They were altogether separate.

36. I got an autograph from an unpopular celebrity. (A celebrity though, but not so popular).

37. The statement showed zero deficit.

38. We are going to have some serious fun at the party. (real fun).

39. Her weirdly normal behavior made me scarier than before. (She is not used to be that normal).

40. “That’s old news”, exclaimed Sam.

41. The shopkeeper gave an accurate estimate for the sapphire ring.

42. The banker explained the calculated risk involved.

43. The dog was found missing after midnight.

44. A firm pillow may trigger a neck pain.

45. My full time hobby is blogging.

46. The value was growing smaller each day.

47. A minor miracle saved his life.

48. She used a hard cushion to support her legs.

49. Her old-fashioned dress robe made a statement.

50. She accepted it as the kind cruelty of the surgeon.


Figures Of Speech



Hyperbole Meaning

Hyperbole = exaggerated statements. (to increase beyond the normal or reality). Hyperbole is used to create a dramatic effect.

It provokes strong feelings and impressions. It is used to highlight points and add emphasis to feelings or an idea.

It is a kind of overstatement and magnification of statement to make it emphatic.

The person who exaggerates a lot is called dramatist, exaggerator, fabricator or hyperbolic.

Some examples of exaggeration are:

 – My pen is a thousand years old.

 – I have a pet dinosaur.

 Hyperboles are used to make stories or poetry interesting and to catch the reader’s attention.

Hyperbole evokes emotion, strong feelings and impressions.

It is used to over exaggerate, add emphasis or be humorous.


Want to try your hands on hyperbole?

Think of what you are going to exaggerate, its size, structure, shape, beauty, difficulty, etc. Now creatively exaggerate it by describing it so. Here are a few examples.

Hyperbole examples

Figures Of Speech

Figure of speech


Figure of speech definition

Figure of speech produces a stylistic effect to the language. 

The words are used out of their literal meaning or ordinary use to produce a stylistic effect.

It is an intentional deviation form literal statement or common usage both in spoken and written.

Figures of speech are used in poetry, prose and everyday speech.

Figure of speech is used in?

Figures of speech are mainly used in framing headlines, captions, mottoes to produce a stylistic and eye catching effect.


Figures Of Speech



Euphemism Meaning

Euphemism is a substituted expression used in the place of something that is unpleasant, offensive, harsh or embarrassing without mentioning it directly. It is to avoid saying that unpleasant word or phrase.

euphemistic – adjective

euphemistically – adverb

Euphemism is also used to intentionally make fun or offend someone.




Euphemism examples

My tablet went dead. (it has stopped working).

You are telling me a fairy tale. (means you are telling a lie).

I’ll be dead in the evening if I do not complete the project (means I’ll be punished or caught).

The seminar was dead easy. (It was very easy).

There was dead silence when I entered the theatre. (complete silence).

The burger was dead good. (very good).

She has fallen asleep. (She is dead).

I am in between jobs. (I am unemployed).

I have a vintage clock that was bought around 1920’s. (vintage = old).

He is resting in peace. (He is dead).

He is with the angels. (He is dead).

He passed away. (He is dead).

He is out of his misery. (He is dead).

He is no longer with us. (He is dead).

He is in a better place now. (He is dead).

He is with the angels. (He is dead).

He has gone to meet his maker. (He is dead).

He is economically disadvantaged. (He is poor).

He was sentenced lifetime in a correctional institution for a murder. (He is in prison).

Their bird was sick and cannot recover, so they put it to sleep. (They killed it).

The sanitation worker comes on all weekdays. (The garbage man).

My dad is a senior citizen. (He is old).

He looks under the weather. (He is ill or sick).

He is full figured. (He is overweight).

Their were droppings all over. (animal dung).

I am sorry for your loss. (someone is dead)

I am expecting. (I am pregnant).

The negative cash flow pushed him into depression. (He is in debt).

He is quite well-off. (He is rich).

Both my parents are aging. (getting old).

My friend is big-boned. (He is fat).

My friend is curvy. (She is fat).

You seem to be a well-fed man. (You are fat).

There are five late bloomers in my class. (below average students).

My aunt is outspoken. (She is bossy).

I am running a little behind as it is raining. (I am late).

I am unavailable today . (I will not be present).

My friend is petite. (He is short).

I am occupied at that time. (I am busy at that time).

I am embarking on a journey of discovery. (I am unemployed).


Euphemism meaning
The other ways to say someone is dead
Other ways to say that someone is dead
other ways to say you are blind and mentally retarded
Other ways to say I need to use the restroom and toilet