


Garrulous meaning

A garrulous person is someone who speaks non-stop, especially of trivial(unimportant or insignificant) matters. A person who talks a lot and often too much.

He /She is excessively talkative. They just won’t stop talking and they do so just for talking’s sake.

Synonyms of garrulous – talkative, voluble, loquacious, chattering.

(All these words mean excessive talking).

Antonyms – reserved, silent, speechless, laconic.

Garrulous is an ADJECTIVE as it is used to describe a person(noun).

What is the meaning of garrulous?

Garrulous example sentences

 – The people in my locality were all garrulous.

 – “Just leave me alone”, I shouted at my garrulous girlfriend.

 – I will never be garrulous again.

 – The cab driver was garrulous and I lost my patience.

 – Thank you for listening to my garrulous mother.

 – To know the details of every nook and corner of the house, talk to my garrulous uncle.

 – My friend was in a garrulous mood when she spoke about her vacation.

 – I have garrulous neighbors who are teenagers.






a close grouping of people or things.

 – huddle of coins

 – huddle of stamps


how to use huddle as a noun?


crowd together to form a tight circle, or group together closely.

how to use huddle in a sentence?
How to use huddle as a verb?
huddle meaning, synonyms, antonyms, opposites, frame sentences

Example sentences...

The penguins huddled together for warmth. (grouped together)

The ministers are huddling to discuss the issue. (conference/meeting)

We huddled around the campfire. (crowded together)

A huddle of stamps were found in her drawer. (a collection of….)

The football team huddled together to celebrate their success. (usually gather in a tight circle).

The cricket team huddled together to plan their next move. (usually gather in a tight circle).

People were huddled around the T.V. to read the flash news. (standing close together and watching). 

The friends were huddled on the couch. (sitting close together).



What is fumble?



What is audacious and audacity?

Audacity and audacious

Audacious – (adjective) bold, fearless, brave, and courageous.

Audacity – (noun) daring, bravery, heroism.

Audacious and audacity meaning, opposites, frame sentences
Audacious and audacity meaning, opposites, frame sentences, synonyms, antonyms
audacious, audacity meaning, opposites, synonyms, antonyms, frame sentences, synonyms, antonyms.
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