Sentence Syntax · Writing skills

Sentence Formula – Part 6

Make sentences with gerundial phrase.

want to speak fluent English? Train yourself more in framing sentences. This may not sound acceptable, but once you train yourself to frame flawless sentences, you can slowly achieve your fluency. 

For those who find it difficult, these formulas come in handy. You have to just remember the formulas and apply words in those places and speak. This is the 6th formula which we are going to see, and will be of great help to middle schoolers. 

After each grammar topic is taken, you should train more by framing sentences on that particular topic. As almost all grammar topics are interconnected, moving on to the next one without learning the first one, may lead to a confusion or improper understanding of the language. 

So, the teacher should ensure that this is done, i.e., enough practice is given through worksheets or activities and make the child understand the grammar concept and then move on to another.  

Formula 6:

It + be + (no use)etc + gerundial phrase.

We are going to start our sentence with an “It”, followed by ‘be verb’ and then a gerundial phrase.


It was fun talking to you.

Start your sentence with ‘It’, 

was – refers to the event that happened in the past tense. 

Adding “ing” to the verb makes it a gerund.

Here, its – talking

Gerundial phrase – talking to you.

Talking to you is a phrase. Since it has a gerund in it, it is a Gerundial phrase.

[[- A phrase is a group of words that has no subject or predicate.

– A phrase can either have a noun or a verb but not both. 

– A phrase cannot stand on its own.]]





a close grouping of people or things.

 – huddle of coins

 – huddle of stamps


how to use huddle as a noun?


crowd together to form a tight circle, or group together closely.

how to use huddle in a sentence?
How to use huddle as a verb?
huddle meaning, synonyms, antonyms, opposites, frame sentences

Example sentences...

The penguins huddled together for warmth. (grouped together)

The ministers are huddling to discuss the issue. (conference/meeting)

We huddled around the campfire. (crowded together)

A huddle of stamps were found in her drawer. (a collection of….)

The football team huddled together to celebrate their success. (usually gather in a tight circle).

The cricket team huddled together to plan their next move. (usually gather in a tight circle).

People were huddled around the T.V. to read the flash news. (standing close together and watching). 

The friends were huddled on the couch. (sitting close together).




What is audacious and audacity?

Audacity and audacious

Audacious – (adjective) bold, fearless, brave, and courageous.

Audacity – (noun) daring, bravery, heroism.

Audacious and audacity meaning, opposites, frame sentences
Audacious and audacity meaning, opposites, frame sentences, synonyms, antonyms
audacious, audacity meaning, opposites, synonyms, antonyms, frame sentences, synonyms, antonyms.
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