Figures Of Speech



Hyperbole Meaning

Hyperbole = exaggerated statements. (to increase beyond the normal or reality). Hyperbole is used to create a dramatic effect.

It provokes strong feelings and impressions. It is used to highlight points and add emphasis to feelings or an idea.

It is a kind of overstatement and magnification of statement to make it emphatic.

The person who exaggerates a lot is called dramatist, exaggerator, fabricator or hyperbolic.

Some examples of exaggeration are:

 – My pen is a thousand years old.

 – I have a pet dinosaur.

 Hyperboles are used to make stories or poetry interesting and to catch the reader’s attention.

Hyperbole evokes emotion, strong feelings and impressions.

It is used to over exaggerate, add emphasis or be humorous.


Want to try your hands on hyperbole?

Think of what you are going to exaggerate, its size, structure, shape, beauty, difficulty, etc. Now creatively exaggerate it by describing it so. Here are a few examples.

Hyperbole examples

Figures Of Speech

Figure of speech


Figure of speech definition

Figure of speech produces a stylistic effect to the language. 

The words are used out of their literal meaning or ordinary use to produce a stylistic effect.

It is an intentional deviation form literal statement or common usage both in spoken and written.

Figures of speech are used in poetry, prose and everyday speech.

Figure of speech is used in?

Figures of speech are mainly used in framing headlines, captions, mottoes to produce a stylistic and eye catching effect.