Figures Of Speech



Oxymoron definition

Oxymoron = two contradictory (opposite) qualities are predicted at once of the same thing. It is a special form of antithesis. It is made up of two or more words opposite to each other. 

Ex: legal murder – where the first word is the opposite of the next one.

Oxymoron Uses

Using oxymoron in writing or speaking adds wit to it and a deeper meaning thus expressing a complex idea. It initiates a write to think deeply and to be creative in his descriptions. It is used to create a rhetorical effect. 

Oxymoron person

An oxymoron person is one who is stupid and smart at the same time. Other words for oxymoron are paradox(opposition of ideas or themes), contradiction, enigma, anomaly, mystery, puzzle, oddity.

The opposite of oxymoron is TAUTOLOGY where the words mean the same thing. 

Try your own oxymoron

Think of a term and then its opposite. Identify the meaning of each term separately and combine the meanings  to create one meaning.

Oxymoron Examples

Underline the oxymoron words in the sentences below and check your answers in the pictures given below.

1. My lunch box was loosely sealed and so all this mess. (It was not closed properly).

2. Your fish fry was terribly good. (It was awesome).

3. The story was a true myth. (It was not true).

4. I silently screamed when I accidently cut my finger, as I didn’t want my mother to know about it. (I suppressed a scream).

5. A small crowd gathered near the accident area. (A few people gathered).

6. Sam had the same difference in behavior last night. (He was not normal).

7. The scene was pretty ugly. (not nice).

8. Paul promised us to tell a real-life fairy tale. (An unbelievable story that happened in real life).

9. The original copy should be submitted. (The original certificates).

10. The student were arranged in a random order. (not in a particular order).

11. It was an open secret. (Everyone knew it).

12. His room was an organized mess. (It was not arranged properly).

13. She wears natural makeup. (natural products or she doesn’t wear any makeup and is beautiful naturally). 

14. I got the larger half of the pizza. (The bigger half).

15. She spoke in a loud whisper. (Everyone heard what she spoke).

16. We had jumbo shrimps for dinner.

17. I am imperfectly perfect. (Though I am imperfect or seem imperfect in certain things, I am perfect in the way I am).

18. I made a deliberate mistake by inviting him. (I should not have invited him).

19. The dull roar made their stomach churn. (The dull roaring sound made them feel scared).

20. The meeting with the executive seemed like an endless hour. (Boring or took very long).

21. The final draft will be ready by tonight.

22. The flight made a crash landing and everyone survived.

23. There is a definite possibility she will come.

24. The blogger was an advanced beginner. (The blogger was an expert in blogging but just now started a blog).

25. It was almost exactly 12 o’ clock when she reached home. (It was nearly 12 o’ clock).

26. We were starting to climb down the hill.

27. For some school life is bittersweet. (Both good and bad memories).

28. The apples were approximately equal to 12 kg. (not exactly).

29. The deafening silence was hard to tolerate. (very silent).

30. She missed the agreement paper accidently on purpose. (She did it on purpose).

31. The play was amazingly awful. (It was too good).

32. There was a controlled chaos in the family. (Though they fought it was under control).

33. Act natural when someone calls your name. (Don’t panic or get over excited). 

34. The meeting was a fine mess. (It did not go well).

35. They were altogether separate.

36. I got an autograph from an unpopular celebrity. (A celebrity though, but not so popular).

37. The statement showed zero deficit.

38. We are going to have some serious fun at the party. (real fun).

39. Her weirdly normal behavior made me scarier than before. (She is not used to be that normal).

40. “That’s old news”, exclaimed Sam.

41. The shopkeeper gave an accurate estimate for the sapphire ring.

42. The banker explained the calculated risk involved.

43. The dog was found missing after midnight.

44. A firm pillow may trigger a neck pain.

45. My full time hobby is blogging.

46. The value was growing smaller each day.

47. A minor miracle saved his life.

48. She used a hard cushion to support her legs.

49. Her old-fashioned dress robe made a statement.

50. She accepted it as the kind cruelty of the surgeon.


Figures Of Speech

Figure of speech


Figure of speech definition

Figure of speech produces a stylistic effect to the language. 

The words are used out of their literal meaning or ordinary use to produce a stylistic effect.

It is an intentional deviation form literal statement or common usage both in spoken and written.

Figures of speech are used in poetry, prose and everyday speech.

Figure of speech is used in?

Figures of speech are mainly used in framing headlines, captions, mottoes to produce a stylistic and eye catching effect.