
Prepositions of agent or instrument

Prepositions of Agent or Instrument

Prepositions of agent or instrument indicate the means by which an action is performed or the agent responsible for an action. They include prepositions like “by,” “with,” and “through,” among others. Here are examples:

1. **By:** Indicates the agent or means by which something is done.
– “The book was written by John.”
– “The cake was baked by my mom.”

2. **With:** Denotes the means or instrument used for an action.
– “She painted the picture with a brush.”
– “He cut the paper with scissors.”

3. **Through:** Indicates the means or method used to accomplish something.
– “She succeeded through hard work.”
– “He communicated with her through email.”

4. **Via:** Indicates the method or route by which something is done or achieved.
– “They communicated with us via email.”
– “She arrived in London via train.”

5. **Using:** Denotes the tool or instrument employed to accomplish a task.
– “He fixed the shelf using a hammer.”
– “She solved the problem using a calculator.”

6. **By means of:** Similar to “by,” it specifies the method or way an action is performed.
– “They navigated the city by means of a map.”
– “She solved the puzzle by means of logic.”

7. **By way of:** Indicates the route or manner through which something is achieved or obtained.
– “He reached the solution by way of experimentation.”
– “She traveled to the country by way of a scholarship.”

8. **Per:** Indicates a means, method, or unit by which something is done.
– “He drives at 80 miles per hour.”
– “The project cost $10 per item.”

9. **On:** Indicates the basis or grounds on which something happens.
– “They made the decision on advice from experts.”
– “The outcome depends on his performance.”

10. **From:** Specifies the source or origin of an action or influence.
– “She learned the news from the newspaper.”
– “The idea came from his suggestion.”

11. **By dint of:** Denotes the means or method by which something is achieved, often through effort or persistence.
– “She succeeded by dint of hard work.”
– “He accomplished the task by dint of his perseverance.”

12. **By virtue of:** Indicates the authority or basis for an action or position.
– “He got the job by virtue of his experience.”
– “She’s the leader by virtue of her seniority.”

13. **Through the use of:** Specifies the utilization of something as a means to an end.
– “The problem was solved through the use of innovative technology.”
– “They succeeded through the use of teamwork.”

14. **Via means of:** Similar to “via,” specifies the method or route through which something is accomplished.
– “The message was sent via means of a satellite.”
– “They communicated with each other via means of a translator.”

15. **Via way of:** Denotes a method or route used to reach or achieve something.
– “He traveled to Europe via way of a cruise.”
– “She found the solution via way of experimentation.”

16. **With the aid of:** Indicates the assistance or support of something in achieving an action.
– “He completed the project with the aid of his team.”
– “She managed to succeed with the aid of a mentor.”

17. **By dint of one’s efforts:** Emphasizes the result of one’s hard work or endeavor.
– “She achieved success by dint of her efforts.”
– “He improved his skills by dint of his practice.”

18. **Via means:** Specifies the method or channel used to achieve a result.
– “They received updates via means of a newsletter.”
– “She communicated her ideas via means of a presentation.”

19. **Through the assistance of:** Denotes support or help from someone or something in completing an action.
– “She accomplished the task through the assistance of her colleagues.”
– “They managed to succeed through the assistance of a mentor.”

20. **By utilization of:** Indicates the use of something as a tool or means to accomplish a task.
– “He resolved the issue by utilization of advanced technology.”
– “She completed the report by utilization of various sources.”

21. **Via method of:** Specifies the method or approach used to achieve an outcome.
– “The problem was solved via method of trial and error.”
– “They reached a consensus via method of negotiation.”

22. **By means of procedure:** Denotes the procedure or process used to achieve a specific result.
– “The error was corrected by means of a formal procedure.”
– “They resolved the conflict by means of a mediation procedure.”

23. **With the help of:** Indicates assistance or support in accomplishing a task.
– “He completed the project with the help of his colleagues.”
– “She succeeded in her venture with the help of a mentor.”

24. **By mechanism of:** Specifies the mechanism or system used to achieve a result.
– “The data was analyzed by mechanism of statistical software.”
– “The machine operates by mechanism of a complex algorithm.”

25. **By channel of:** Denotes the channel or medium through which something is accomplished.
– “They conveyed their message by channel of a broadcast.”
– “The information was disseminated by channel of a newsletter.”

These prepositions offer further clarity regarding the means, mechanisms, or channels utilized to accomplish specific actions or outcomes.

Here’s the list of prepositions of agent or instrument:

1. By
2. With
3. Through
4. Via
5. Using
6. By means of
7. By way of
8. From
9. On
10. Per
11. On
12. By dint of
13. By virtue of
14. Through the use of
15. Via means of
16. Via way of
17. With the aid of
18. By dint of one’s efforts
19. Via means
20. Through the assistance of
21. By utilization of
22. Via method of
23. By means of procedure
24. With the help of
25. By mechanism of
26. By channel of

27. By dint of effort
28. By use of
29. By method of
30. With assistance from
31. With aid from
32. By way of approach
33. By mode of
34. With support from
35. By use of means
36. Through implementation of
37. Via agency of
38. By dint of labor
39. Via methodology of
40. With contribution from
41. By pathway of
42. Via road of
43. With the use of tools
44. By intervention of
45. With cooperation from
46. By technique of
47. With collaboration from
48. Via process of
49. By strategy of
50. With endorsement from

"Unveiling Means to Mastery: Exploring Prepositions of Agent and Instrument!"

Here are the questions and answers for a worksheet on prepositions of agent or instrument:

**Worksheet: Caption for Prepositions of Agent or Instrument**

**Questions: Match the captions with the prepositions of agent or instrument.**

1. “Powered by creativity.”
2. “Crafted with precision.”
3. “Solved through innovative means.”
4. “Guided via expert advice.”
5. “By means of careful planning.”
6. “Achieved through collaborative effort.”
7. “Navigated with sophisticated tools.”
8. “By dint of dedication.”
9. “Assisted with cutting-edge technology.”
10. “Resolved by strategy.”

**Answers: Match the captions with the prepositions of agent or instrument.**

1. **By**
2. **With**
3. **Through**
4. **Via**
5. **By means of**
6. **Through**
7. **With**
8. **By dint of**
9. **With**
10. **By**

Worksheet 2

**Questions: Match the captions with the prepositions of agent or instrument.**

11. “Executed with skillful hands.”
12. “By way of clever tactics.”
13. “Driven by determination.”
14. “Guided through expert mentorship.”
15. “Influenced by compelling ideas.”
16. “By the use of sophisticated software.”
17. “Assisted with modern technology.”
18. “Enabled by supportive teamwork.”
19. “Via the implementation of advanced methods.”
20. “By means of careful analysis.”

**Answers: Match the captions with the prepositions of agent or instrument.**

11. **With**
12. **By way of**
13. **By**
14. **Through**
15. **By**
16. **By the use of**
17. **With**
18. **By**
19. **Via**
20. **By means of**


Compound prepositions

Compound prepositions

"Mastering Relationships: Compound Prepositions Unveiled!"

Compound prepositions are combinations of words that function as a single preposition. They’re formed by joining two or more words to create a new prepositional phrase that expresses a specific relationship. Here are examples of compound prepositions:

1. **According to:** According to the weather report, it will rain today.
2. **Because of:** They canceled the event because of the storm.
3. **In spite of:** In spite of the difficulties, they succeeded.
4. **Next to:** The park is located next to the library.
5. **Instead of:** He chose tea instead of coffee.
6. **Due to:** The delay was due to heavy traffic.
7. **Along with:** She brought her sister along with her.

These compound prepositions convey more nuanced or complex relationships and are created by combining words to act as a single prepositional unit.

Compound prepositions

Here are a few more compound prepositions along with examples:

1. **On behalf of:** She spoke on behalf of the team.
2. **Out of:** He ran out of patience.
3. **In front of:** They stood in front of the building.
4. **Ahead of:** He finished ahead of schedule.
5. **In addition to:** In addition to his job, he volunteers.
6. **In line with:** His actions were in line with the company’s policy.
7. **As of:** As of yesterday, the project is complete.
8. **Aside from:** Aside from her, no one else knew.
9. **Close to:** The store is close to the bank.
10. **In the midst of:** They met in the midst of chaos.
11. **With regard to:** With regard to your request, here is the information.
12. **In light of:** In light of recent events, changes are necessary.
13. **On top of:** The book is on top of the shelf.
14. **In terms of:** He excels in terms of creativity.
15. **In accordance with:** They acted in accordance with the rules.
16. **In exchange for:** He gave the item in exchange for money.
17. **As per:** As per the schedule, the meeting starts at 9.
18. **Regardless of:** He went regardless of the weather.
19. **In relation to:** The report is in relation to the sales figures.
20. **In view of:** In view of the circumstances, we’ll postpone.
21. **As well as:** She sings as well as she dances.
22. **In the event of:** In the event of an emergency, call 911.
23. **In contrast to:** In contrast to last year, profits increased.
24. **Owing to:** Owing to his absence, the meeting was delayed.
25. **By means of:** The message was sent by means of email.
26. **As opposed to:** He prefers tea as opposed to coffee.
27. **With respect to:** With respect to your question, here’s the answer.
28. **By way of:** He arrived by way of the back entrance.
29. **With the exception of:** Everyone attended with the exception of Sarah.
30. **With reference to:** With reference to the map, the town is nearby.

These compound prepositions add depth and specificity to the relationships between words in a sentence, conveying more precise meanings and contexts.

1. **In the face of:** In the face of adversity, they remained strong.
2. **On the brink of:** They were on the brink of discovery.
3. **Underneath of:** The keys were underneath of the book.
4. **Up against:** They were up against tough competition.
5. **On the verge of:** She was on the verge of tears.
6. **For the sake of:** He did it for the sake of his family.
7. **In the wake of:** In the wake of the storm, there was destruction.
8. **At the expense of:** He succeeded at the expense of others.
9. **In the course of:** In the course of the day, things changed.
10. **By dint of:** He succeeded by dint of hard work.
11. **By virtue of:** By virtue of his position, he had authority.
12. **In the throes of:** They were in the throes of passion.
13. **In the vicinity of:** The cafe is in the vicinity of the park.
14. **In the grip of:** The town was in the grip of fear.
15. **In the view of:** In the view of many, the decision was wrong.
16. **In the absence of:** In the absence of evidence, it’s hard to judge.
17. **In the neighborhood of:** The price was in the neighborhood of $100.
18. **In the depths of:** He was lost in the depths of the forest.
19. **In the face of:** In the face of criticism, he remained calm.
20. **In the eyes of:** In the eyes of the law, it was a crime.

These compound prepositions offer nuances in meaning and help to describe relationships or situations more precisely within sentences.

"Mastering Relationships: Compound Prepositions Unveiled!"

Here’s a worksheet to practice compound prepositions:

**Worksheet: Compound Prepositions**

**Exercise 1:** Fill in the blanks with the appropriate compound preposition:

1. She succeeded _______ hard work.
2. They stood _______ the entrance.
3. He managed to escape _______ danger.
4. _______ the absence of evidence, it’s difficult to decide.
5. The keys were found _______ the book.

**Exercise 2:** Create three sentences using compound prepositions.

**Exercise 3:** Match the phrases on the left with their corresponding compound prepositions on the right:

1. In the midst of a. In view of
2. By virtue of b. On the brink of
3. At the expense of c. Underneath of
4. In the wake of d. By dint of
5. On the verge of e. In the neighborhood of


Here are the answers to the exercises:

**Exercise 1:**
1. She succeeded **by virtue of** hard work.
2. They stood **at** the entrance.
3. He managed to escape **from** danger.
4. **In** the absence of evidence, it’s difficult to decide.
5. The keys were found **underneath** the book.

**Exercise 2:** Sample sentences (may vary):
1. She excelled at the expense of others.
2. They were on the verge of discovering a breakthrough.
3. He succeeded by dint of his dedication.

**Exercise 3:**
1. In the midst of – b. On the brink of
2. By virtue of – d. By dint of
3. At the expense of – e. In the neighborhood of
4. In the wake of – a. In view of
5. On the verge of – b. On the brink of

**Exercise 1:** Fill in the blanks with the appropriate compound preposition:

1. She arrived _______ the meeting started.
2. The child was lost _______ his parents.
3. They succeeded _______ their hard work.
4. The car keys were located _______ the dashboard.
5. _______ the course of the day, things changed.
6. He managed to escape _______ harm.
7. _______ the brink of disaster, they found a solution.
8. The decision was made _______ careful consideration.
9. They met _______ the midst of chaos.
10. He succeeded _______ his talent.

**Exercise 2:** Create three sentences using compound prepositions.


Here are the answers to the exercises:

**Exercise 1:**
1. She arrived **before** the meeting started.
2. The child was lost **from** his parents.
3. They succeeded **through** their hard work.
4. The car keys were located **beneath** the dashboard.
5. **Over** the course of the day, things changed.
6. He managed to escape **from** harm.
7. **On** the brink of disaster, they found a solution.
8. The decision was made **after** careful consideration.
9. They met **in** the midst of chaos.
10. He succeeded **by** his talent.

**Exercise 2:** Sample sentences (may vary):
1. She made it before the meeting started.
2. The treasure was hidden beneath the old tree.
3. They found a solution on the brink of disaster.